69151. A candidate appointed as clerk on 2013 was on probation for a period of 2 years duty within a continuous period of three years.During the probation he should pass MOP test.He has passed the test on 2016 and sanctioned second increment on declaration of probation.Third increment will be due on:
69152. Authority competent to restore commuted portion of pension:
69153. The initial substantive pay of an officer who is appointed substantively to a post on a time scale of pay which has been reduced for reasons other than a diminution of duties or responsibilities attached to post thereon and who is not entitled to draw pay on the time scales as it stood prior to reduction is regulated by:
69154. In the case of a probationer whose period of probation is one year and whose increment is annual the first increment in the scale of pay of probation shall be drawn only with effect from:
69155. A Govt.servant thrown of service for want of vacancy and reappointed after a break in the same post can count his prior service for increment:
69156. pain
69157. gala
69158. monopoly
69159. guitar
69160. election
69161. shoe
69162. swimming
69163. lightning
69164. ovation
69165. bonus
69166. antique
69167. culture
69168. knowledge
69169. domicile
69170. vertebrate
69171. itinerary
69172. orchestra
69173. facsimile
69174. provisions
69175. sustenance
69176. infirmary
69177. purchase
69178. dimension
69179. wedding
69180. faculty
69181. recipe
69182. autograph
69183. cage
69184. champion
69185. saddle
69186. dome
69187. glacier
69188. directory
69189. contract
69190. hurricane
69191. town
69192. vibration
69193. harvest
69194. desert
69195. book
69196. language
69197. school
69198. A candidate who was appointed temporarily as clerk on the advise of Employment Exchange from 2014 for 179 days.Later he was appointed as clerk on 2015 on the advise of KPSC in the same department.Probation is for 2 years.His first Increment is due on:
69199. Pension admissible to an employee who has retired from service on Qualifying service 33 years.Average emoluments Rs.59,400
69200. The date of compulsory retirement of an officer appointed on or after 2013 and who is a member of National Pension System?