71601. The ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a given volume of moist air to the mass of water vapour in the same volume of saturated air at the same temperature and pressure, is called
71602. The transfer of heat by molecular collision is smallest in
71603. During dehumidification process, the relative humidity
71604. The space between the two walls of a thermos flask is evacuated because vacuum is a __________ conductor of heat.
71605. The ratio of actual heat transfer to the maximum possible heat transfer is known as heat exchanger effectiveness.
71606. When the discharge pressure is too high in a refrigeration system, high pressure control is installed to stop the compressor.
71607. A grey body is one whose absorptivity does not vary with temperature and wave length of the incident ray.
71608. The wet bulb temperature during sensible cooling of air
71609. In absorption vapour systems, the refrigerant widely used is R-12.
71610. Hydrogen is used in electrolux refrigeration system so as to __________ the rate of evaporation of the liquid ammonia passing through the evaporator.
71611. A condenser of refrigeration system rejects heat at the rate of 120 kW, while its compressor consumes a power of 30 kW. The coefficient of performance of the system will be
71612. A refrigerant with the highest critical pressure is
71613. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, baffles are provided on the shell side to
71614. The average value of thermal conductivity for water at 20° C saturate is about 0.51.
71615. In aqua-ammonia absorption refrigeration system, incomplete rectification leads to accumulation of water in
71616. The boiling point of ammonia is
71617. The Editor of Swadeshabhimani was .........?
71618. The refrigerant used for absorption refrigerators working on heat from solar collectors is a mixture of water and
71619. In a black body, all radiations are rejected.
71620. Most air cooled condensers are designed to operate with a temperature difference of
71621. In a reversed Brayton cycle, the heat is absorbed by the air during
71622. Wet bulb temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when
71623. A device used for transfering heat from one fluid to another is called heat exchanger.
71624. The coefficient of performance (C.O.P.) of a refrigerator working as a heat pump is given by
71625. The temperature below which a gas is always liquified, is known as critical temperature.
71626. A Bell Coleman refrigerator working on dense air system as compared to open air system, for the same range of temperature, results in higher coefficient of performance.
71627. The ratio of surface convection resistance to the internal conduction resistance is known as
71628. Relative humidity is given by (where pv = Partial pressure of water vapour, pb = Barometric pressure, ps = Pressure of saturated air, pd = Pressure at dry bulb temperature, pw = Saturation pressure corresponding to wet bulb temperature, and μ = Degree of saturation)
71629. Kirchhoff's law states that
71630. Dew point temperature is the temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when the moisture present in it begins to condense.
71631. The expression is used for calculating
71632. The critical thickness of insulation for a sphere is
71633. The difference between dry bulb temperature and dew point temperature, is called
71634. Logarithmic mean temperature difference is the same as the arithmetic mean temperature difference.
71635. Film coefficient is defined as the ratio of
71636. Planck's law holds good for all coloured bodies.
71637. In mechanical refrigeration system, the refrigerant has the maximum temperature
71638. The capacity of a domestic refrigerator is in the range of
71639. The condition of refrigerant after passing through the condenser in a vapour compression system is
71640. The leakage in a refrigeration system using freon is detected by
71641. If the condenser temperature is kept constant, the coefficient of performance of a refrigeration cycle increases with the increase in evaporator temperature.
71642. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the fluid to another by the actual movement of the fluid particles caused by some mechanical means, is known as
71643. When α is absorptivity, ρ is reflectivity and τ is transmittivity, then for a diathermanous body,
71644. When there is an addition of water vapour to the air of enclosed space, a gain in __________ is said to occur.
71645. The relative humidity __________ as air gets drier.
71646. The central air conditioning system has __________ overall efficiency as compared to individual systems.
71647. A major part of a country's output is normally used for?
71648. An ordinary passenger aircraft requires a cooling system of capacity.
71649. In air-conditioning of aeroplanes, using air as a refrigerant, the cycle used is
71650. The thermal diffusivity for solids is generally less than those for liquids and gases.