74451. When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite pulls, as a result of which the body tends to extend its length, the stress and strain induced is
74452. Which International Agency of the UN is the only distinctive Inter-Governmental Organisation Concerned with Children’s Welfare?
74453. A new series of hundred rupee notes ......... been issued.?
74454. The pull required to shear off a rivet, in double shear, per pitch length is
74455. The famous work of Karl Marx is:?
74456. Lame's theory is associated with
74457. The ductility of the material __________ with the decrease in percentage elongation of a specimen under tensile test.
74458. A pressure vessel is said to be a thin shell when the ratio of wall thickness of the vessel to its diameter is __________ 1/10.
74459. According to Euler's column theory, the crippling load of a column is given by p = π2 EI/Cl2. In the Euler's formula, the value of C for a column with one end fixed and the other end hinged, is 1/2.
74460. A tensile test is performed on a mild steel round bar. Its diameter after fracture will
74461. Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the diameter of wire of spring 'A' is double that of spring 'B' The stiffness of spring 'B' will be __________ that of spring 'A'
74462. Who is the first Indian won the century?
74463. The voltage between any two phases in the three phase system is:?
74464. The strain energy stored in a body, when suddenly loaded, is __________ the strain energy stored when same load is applied gradually.
74465. The shear force at the centre of a simply supported beam with a gradually varying load from zero at both ends to w per metre at the centre, is
74466. The proof resilience per unit volume of a material is known as modulus of resilience.
74467. According to Unwin's formula, the relation between diameter of rivet hole (d) and thickness of plate (t) is given by (where d and t are in mm)
74468. The relation between equivalent length (L) and actual length (l) of a column for one end fixed and the other end hinged is
74469. The total strain energy stored in a body is called proof resilience.
74470. The thermal stress in a bar is __________ proportional to the change in temperature.
74471. The section modulus of a circular section about an axis through its C.G., is
74472. In the above question, the normal stress on an oblique section will be maximum, when θ is equal to
74473. In the below figure, curve D represents mild steel.
74474. Which of the following is a proper sequence?
74475. The neutral axis of a beam is subjected to __________ stress.
74476. When a load on the free end of a cantilever beam is increased, failure will occur
74477. Use suitable alternative: We sympathise ......... those ......... trouble.?
74478. Equilibrium income is that level at which?
74479. According to Euler's column theory, the crippling load of a column is given by p = π2 EI/Cl2 In this equation, the value of C for a column with both ends hinged, is
74480. The strength of the shaft is judged by the torque transmitted by the shaft.
74481. The shear force at a certain point on a beam changes sign from +ve value to -ve value or vice versa. The bending moment at that point will be zero.
74482. In a riveted joint, when the number of rivets decreases from the inner most row to outer most row, the joint is said to be
74483. A spring, when loaded, is permanently distorted and recover its original shape when the load is removed.
74484. When a rectangular beam is loaded longitudinally, the shear force develops on the top layer.
74485. The capacity of a strained body for doing work on the removal of the straining force, is called
74486. The given figure shows the Mohr's circle of stress for two unequal and like principal stresses (σx and σy) acting at a body across two mutually perpendicular planes. The tangential stress is given by
74487. The hoop stress in a thin cylindrical shell is
74488. A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one plane accompanied by a simple shear stress of 200 MPa. The maximum normal stress will be
74489. A simply supported beam 'A' of length l, breadth b, and depth d carries a central point load W. Another beam 'B' has the same length and depth but its breadth is doubled. The deflection of beam 'B' will be __________ as compared to beam 'A'.
74490. The moment of resistance of a balanced reinforced concrete beam is based on the stresses in
74491. The load at which the column just buckles, is known as
74492. The Rankine's constant for a mild steel column with both ends hinged is
74493. The rectangular beam 'A ' has length l, width b and depth d. Another beam 'B' has the same width and depth but length is double that of 'A'. The elastic strength of beam 'B' will be __________ as compared to beam A.
74494. A simply supported beam with a gradually varying load from zero at B and w per unit length at A is shown in the below figure. The shear force at B is equal to
74495. A tensile test is performed on a round bar. After fracture, it has been found that the diameter remains approximately same at fracture. The material under test was
74496. In a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load w per unit length, the point of contraflexure
74497. Modulus of rigidity may be defined as the ratio of
74498. A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one plane accompanied by a simple shear stress of 200 MPa. The minimum normal stress will be
74499. Which among the following is given for the best parliamentarian?
74500. The ratio of linear stress to the linear strain is called