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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1784

89201. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is at?

89202. How is the new membership of the United Nations effected?

89203. Who was appointed as the new Director-General of UNESCO in October. 2009?

89204. Who among the following was appointed as the new President of International Court of Justice on February 6?015 for a 3 years term?

89205. The headquarters of a few agencies related to the UN are located in Vienna. which is in?

89206. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was' created under the aegis of the UN in?

89207. Which one of the following principal organs of the UN specifically works on economic. social. cultural and humanitarian problems?

89208. Which of the follOwing statements in regard to the working of the International Court of Justice is NOT correct?

89209. Which of the following organisation is, among other things, concerned with human rights and freedoms without distinction of race, sex, language or religion?

89210. The official languages of the United Nations are?

89211. Who was appointed as the new Director-General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in December, 2009?

89212. IMF and IBRD were established in?

89213. India became a member of the United Nations in?

89214. From the following choose the set in' which names of Secretaries-General of UNO are arranged in correct chronological order?

89215. Of the UN Agencies, which one specifically aims ~t further economic development 1:y encouraging productive private enterprise?

89216. In 1945, fifty nations met to. phrase the basic charter for a world organisation which would "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war". This conference took place at?

89217. Who donated the land for U.N. Secretariat building?

89218. Under article 61 of the UN Charter, the membership of the Economic and Social Council was increased in Which of the following years from 27 to 54?

89219. Fill up the blanks: If he ......... a bird, he would fly.?

89220. Which of the following agencies related to the United Nations is concerned with promoting the growth of international trade and equilibrium in ba/ance of payments?

89221. The number of permanent members of the UN Security Council is?

89222. Which one among the following countries has been elected for the years 2014 and 2015 as non-permanent member of UN Security Council along with Chile, Chad, Jordan and Nigeria?

89223. Someone has stolen my watch. (Change into passive voice)?

89224. Vascular plants without seeds are grouped under?

89225. To consider the large. number of agenda items, General Assembly has how many main committees?

89226. UN.General Assembly elects a President and how many Vice Presidents at the start of its each regular session?

89227. To move to the bottom of the document, press..........?

89228. The Secretary- General is required to submit an annual report on the work' of the UN to?

89229. For how many terms was Javier Perez de Cuellar was the Secretary-General of UNO?

89230. The most important body of the United Nations is the?

89231. Which of the following is NOT a UN Agency?

89232. Which Agency of UN won the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 1965?

89233. Which of the following is NOT a principal body of UNO?

89234. Which of the following is NOT a necessary qualification for a Nation to become 8 member of the UNO? state

89235. Which of the following international organisations is dedicated to the cause of wildlife conservation?

89236. At Geneva, the delegates of 117 countries approved which of the following treaties in Dec.1993?

89237. Which one of the following is a group of countries that are permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations?

89238. Which of the following is NOT an Agency of UNO?

89239. Which of the following were the aims behind the setting up of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)? I. Promotion of free trade and resource flows across countries II. Protection of intellectual property rights III. Managing ba/anced trade between different countries Iv. Promotion of trade between the former East Bloc countries and the western world Select the correct answer by using the codes given below: Codes?

89240. UNtook intiative for which country for its. independence from South Mrica?

89241. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into existence with?

89242. Structural adjustment loans given by the World Bank are meant for?

89243. The Secretary-General of the UNO is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of _?

89244. Which country defeated India in the 1996 election for membership of the UN Security Council?

89245. Which of the following is stipulated under GATT on technical batteries to trade?

89246. First Indian to make a speech in Hindi before the UN General Assembly was?

89247. Which of the following is true about the 60th UN General Assembly Meet? I) It concluded in September 2005 II) Its agenda included Kashmir problem Hl) Chinese delegation raised objection over Nauru's admission to the UN?

89248. Which of the following countries is the first Chairperson of newly-formed Standing Committee on Information Technology related to Intellectual Property Rights?

89249. The United Nations University is located in which of the following cities?

89250. When did UN .General Assembly adopt the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) but not yet entered into force due to the non-ratification by eight nuclear capable states?

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