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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1860
93001. The kind of immunity developed in a person who had an attack of chicken pox is?
93002. The vaccine given to new born child is?
93003. The disease and infections which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animal and man are?
93004. Whooping cough is transmitted by?
93005. Which one of the following is transmitted by placenta?
93006. Diseases spread by articles like cups, spoons are called as?
93007. Prophylaxis means?
93008. "Hepatitis" means?
93009. The vitamin given for the treatment of common cold is?
93010. Measles is caused by virus?
93011. The symptoms of measles are?
93012. The antiviral drug used in the control of influenza is?
93013. The effective live vaccine available for the control of mumps is?
93014. The important anti-tuberculosis drug is?
93015. The painful swelling in either one or both of the parotid gland is due to?
93016. Malaria is spread by?
93017. Which one of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?
93018. Physical dependence is the result of?
93019. Hansen's disease is?
93020. The multidrug treatment against leprosy includes?
93021. Gonorrhea can be cured with?
93022. Bronchitis is the abnormality of?
93023. The main cause for stroke is?
93024. CH Disease?
93025. Shortness of breath in heart disease is?
93026. Which is the alternative medicine for Penicillin?
93027. Who is the father of neurology?
93028. Which organ in the body produces the largest quantity of enzymes?
93029. Who is Hoffman?
93030. What is the normal composition of R.B.C. in men?
93031. Who invented kidney machine?
93032. Which part of the body is affected by nephritis?
93033. Which part of the body is affected by trachoma?
93034. Who discovered contraceptive pills?
93035. Who has introduced phototherapy?
93036. Blood circulation was discovered by?
93037. Who diagnosed Cancer?
93038. How many bones are there in a newly born infant?
93039. Which country founded Unani system of treatment?
93040. Which mineral is present in banana?
93041. Where was the first bone-marrow transplant operation performed in India?
93042. Which vitamin is present in Kali-flower?
93043. Name the bacteria that produces syphillis?
93044. Which vitamin is present in butter?
93045. Which disease can be cured by Bacteriophages?
93046. Who first explained the theory of coagulation?
93047. Who was the 'Father of Homeopathy'?
93048. Which one of the following diseases is water-borne?
93049. Who discovered Beriberi?
93050. What is the use of Ergot?
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