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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1994
99701. Jharkhnad tribal group is which of the following ?
99702. Uralis is a tribal group of
99703. Which tribal group is associated with Tamil Nadu ?
99704. Gaddis is a tribal group of which state ?
99705. . is a tribal group of Maharashtra
99706. Angami is a tribal groups of .
99707. Saga Dawa is related to
99708. Teeyan is a famous festival in which of the following state ?
99709. . Festival is celebrated in Uttarakhand
99710. Jangura Habba Erwadi Santhanakkodu celebrated in ..
99711. Rengma Ngadah is related to which state ?
99712. The festival Dakkebali celebrated in
99713. .. festival is celebrated in Arunachal Pradesh
99714. Basant Panchami is related to which state ?
99715. Which festival celebrated in Bihar ?
99716. The San joao festival famous in which state ?
99717. Bhadu related to
99718. Sammakka Saarakka Jaathara celebrated in ..
99719. .. festival is celebrated in Gujarat
99720. Poush Mela is celebrated in which state ?
99721. Which festival is celebrated in Odisha ?
99722. Chapchar Kut is celebrated in ..
99723. . Festival is celebrated in Jharkhand
99724. Gadd Baat festival celebrated in
99725. Arunachal Pradesh is related to ..
99726. Gowri Habba festival is celebrated in which state ?
99727. is celebrated in Madhya Pradesh
99728. Gangaur is a famous festival celebrated in which state ?
99729. . is a famous festival in Tami Nadu
99730. Himachal Pradesh is related to ..
99731. Chhath puja is celebrated in
99732. Which state is related to Onam?
99733. is a famous festival in Tripura
99734. Janopunya,Chippla is a famous festival celebrated in which state ?
99735. Which of the following festival is celebrated in Chhattisgarh ?
99736. Ambubachi Mela is celebrated in ..
99737. Samba Dashami is a festival unique to the state of
99738. Which festival is most important in Arunachal Pradesh ?
99739. Lohri is a popular festival celebrated in
99740. Thaiusam is related to
99741. is famous festival in Sikkim
99742. Jityya Bhaiya Dooj is one of the prominent festivals of
99743. . is celebrated in Gujarat
99744. Festival of gardens is celebrated in ..
99745. Which festival is celebrated in Assam ?
99746. Gangamma Jatara is a famous festival celebrated in which state ?
99747. Nautanki is famous tribal dance of .
99748. Which dance is famous in Rajasthan ?
99749. Tippani is a famouse dance in which state ?
99750. Which is related to Haryana ?
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