127951. Dewan Velu Thampi of Travancore organized the Revolt in?
127952. The newspaper started by Dadabhai Naoroji?
127953. Silkworms feed ......... mulberry trees.?
127954. The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavations of Harappa was made up of?
127955. Which of the following can be used for checking inflation temporarily?
127956. World blood donated day is?
127957. Rewrite as directed. Open the door. (Turn into passive)?
127958. Which is the biggest lake in the world?
127959. The immediate cause of the 2nd world war?
127960. If the following words were rearranged in alphabetical order as in dictionary which will come in the third place?
127961. Which Indian film personality received the title Datuk from Malaysia?
127962. The Indus valley civilization developed along the ......... river.?
127963. Sher Shah Suri is best known?
127964. The image formed on the retina of the human eye is?
127965. The first Indian who speaks in Hindi in UNO?
127966. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a graphical user enviornment?
127967. The Dutch ruler in Kerala who is responsible for contributing “Hortus Malabaricus” is .....?
127968. A money bill must be returned by the Rajyasabha with its recommendations to the Loksabha with in a period not exceeding?
127969. The modern economy is not characterised by?
127970. Who banned ‘shake hand in Italy in 1930’?
127971. How is the thickness of plate is measured?
127972. Czech Republic will face Russia in the final of the Fed Cup which is women’s International Tournament in?
127973. ‘International Children’s day’ is observed on?
127974. Who is the first Oscar winner from India?
127975. Who was the successor of Shivaji?
127976. The main objective of First Five-Year Plan was?
127977. From which of the following trees, quinine is obtained?
127978. A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by?
127979. Who was the winner of first World Cup Football?
127980. Who was the first Indian Singer that sing in UN Silver Jubilee?
127981. Which thermometer is used to indicate lowest temperature?
127982. White Flag is the symbol of?
127983. Sir Charles Wood despatch of 1854 dealt primarily with?
127984. Mass x Velocity equal?
127985. Christopher Columbus belonged to .........?
127986. Who was the Portuguese Viceroy in India?
127987. Which of the animals given below is ‘generally not’ considered under “livestock”?
127988. The Kalinga war was fought in?
127989. The revolutionary leader who later turned into an ascetic?
127990. Man in the life cycle of Plasmodium is?
127991. Pulitzer Prize is given to?
127992. Non Alignment Movement (NAM) is an organisation of?
127993. Anything written in a screen?
127994. If mass of a body is more then what is its inertia?
127995. The Tennis court oath is related to?
127996. ......... is a mature plant tissue composed of loosely packed, more or less spherical cell with thin cellulose walls?
127997. Where was the first Earth summit held?
127998. The practice of ‘Yoga’ was developed in?
127999. Who, amongst the following, came to Jehangir’s court in 1608 A.D. with a letter from James I of England to obtain trade facilities?
128000. You have started from a place. After walking for a kilometre you turn to left. There walking for half a kilometre you again turn to left. You are now going eastwards. In what direction did you originally start?