140851. How many such 9’s are there in the following sequence which are immediately followed by 4 but not immediately preceded by 8?548829438959489412945974
140852. A clock when see through the mirror reads a quarter past three.What should be the actual time?
140853. Iam 10th in the queue from either enHow many people are there in the queue?
140854. The smallest perfect square which is exactly divisible by 2,3,4,5 and 6:
140855. A does a work in 16 days and B does work in 12 days.B together with a boy does the same work in 8 days.How much time will the boy alone take to do the work?
140856. A train clears a platform of 200 meters long in 15 seconds and passes a telegraph post in 10 seconds.The length of the train is:
140857. Two concentric circles have their radii 4 cm and 6 cm.The area of the space between then(use =22/7)is
140858. The L.M of two numbers is 864 and their H.F is If one of the numbers is 288 the other number:
140859. Income of Rajesh is 25 % more than the income of Girish.The income of Girish is less than the income of Rajesh by:
140860. Sanu’s present age is one fourth of his father’s age.Father has 30 years more than Sanu.The present age of Sanu:
140861. If A:B=2:3 and B:C=6:5 then A:C:
140862. An outlet empties 3/8 of the tank in 12 minutses.To empty the remaining content it should further take:
140863. Ramu bought 40 kg of wheat at Rs.50 per kg and 25 kg at Rs.10 per kg.He mixed them together.At what rate should he sell the mixture to earn 10 % profit?
140864. Sky is blue in colour because:
140865. Hydrogen has high calorific value.But it is not used as domestic fuel:
140866. When lime juice is added to pure water it’s pH?
140867. The planet which gives highest weight for substance:
140868. The polymer found in crustacean shell:
140869. Acid used to wash eyes”
140870. Beri Beri is caused due to the deficiency of:
140871. Which among the following has same unit?
140872. International day of peace:
140873. ”Go back to the Vedas”was the motto of:
140874. The river known as”Sorrow of Bihar”:
140875. UNDP published its first report on “Human Development”in:
140876. ”Tirodiya Awards’given for”
140877. The concept of’Presidential election’was borrowed from:
140878. First cricketer from Jammu and Kashmir”
140879. The ‘Kerala Muslim Ikyasangam’was founded by:
140880. When was the partition of Bengal effected during the time of Curzon,annulled:
140881. Dr.Manmohan Singh’s award is instituted by:
140882. The historic ‘Temple Entry Proclamation’was issued in 1936 by:
140883. ’Karewas’ means:
140884. The state having the highest BPL ratio in India:
140885. Who won the prize ‘Lokmanya Puraskar 2013’?
140886. Older alluvium of North Indian Plain:
140887. The first complete census was taken in India in:
140888. The Indian economist who won the Nobel Prize:
140889. ”Sadujanaparipalana Yogam’ was founded by:
140890. UN celebrate the year 2013 as:
140891. Information Commissioner of India:
140892. Which amendment declare that Delhi as National capital territory of India?
140893. The viceroy of British India who introduced the ‘Illbert bill’was:
140894. Which district has been declared the first ‘E’ district in Kerala?
140895. ’Hibernation’is:
140896. Tropical cyclones in ‘Atlantic ocean’:
140897. Nobel prize for literature in 2013:
140898. The famous resolution on non co-operation adopted by Indian National Congress in a special session held at:
140899. ”Travelling through conflict”is written by:
140900. Which state in India implemented Panchayath Raj System first?