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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2818

140901. The Article 131 of the Indian Constitution deals with:

140902. The minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha is:

140903. The Articles 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution deals with:

140904. Who was the president of India at the time of declaration of Emergency in 1975?

140905. Agriculture under Indian Constitution is:

140906. Rule of law means:

140907. In which amendment did the voting age of Indian citizens is lowered from 21 to 18:

140908. Total number of schedules in Indian Constitution is:

140909. From which country,Indian Constitution borrowed Fundamental duties?

140910. The student was----------his achievements.

140911. The --------you achieve,the-----------you will be to your goal.

140912. She told us that she---------late for the party.

140913. Which among the following is the one word substitute for,”Take someone’s power,position etWrongfully or by force”?

140914. Which of the following is a synonym for’consummate’?

140915. Which of the following phrasal verb will give the meaning “to be patient with someone”?

140916. It is 2 O’clock-------my watch.

140917. Renu is my:

140918. Diabetes----------- a lifestyle diseases.

140919. Among the four sisters,Leena is the :

140920. The National Rural Employment Gurantee Act was passed in the year:

140921. Mahila Samridhi Yojana is:

140922. PMAGY is:

140923. The objective of Valmiki Ambed-kar Awaas Yojana(VAMBAY)is for:

140924. Balika Samridhi Yojana is:

140925. Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana is:

140926. Bharat Nirman is for development of:

140927. Indira Awaas Yojana was launch-ed in the year:

140928. JRY was started in 1989 by merging two erstwhile employment programs.Which were those?

140929. Child Line Number is:

140930. During program execution,all arithmetic calculations and com-parisons are performed by the ---------of the computer system.

140931. In terms of access speed,the ----------memory is the fastest.

140932. ISP stands for:

140933. DNS stands for:

140934. Find out the odd item:

140935. In IT Act 2008,section 65 deals with:

140936. The software interface between physical hardware and the user in a computer system is popularly known as:

140937. The fundamental unit of storage in a digital computer is known as a:

140938. The maximum positive number which can be represented in a computer system with word length of n bits is:

140939. The --------------component of computer memory is volatile in nature

140940. Mode of cooking food(Fry,Boil,Et)in included under which ‘Ahara Kalpana’

140941. In the following list of numbers ,how many time does 8 come just after 6 when 6 comes just after an odd number?6325687253494236844576842396868

140942. Find the missing term from the given alternatives.AY,FU,KQ,?,UI

140943. A certain code,EDUCATION is written as OPJUBDVEF. How is COMPUTERS written in the same code?

140944. Which of the following nation has the longest boundary with India?

140945. Which is the highest mountain peak in Western Ghats?

140946. The Konkan railway does not pass through

140947. Which is the second most populous country in the world?

140948. Which state is the largest producer of Thermal Electricity?

140949. Which is the longest National Highway in India?

140950. Tirunavai,is situated on the banks of

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