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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2819
140951. Who led the Champaran Satyagraha?
140952. The second session of the Round Table Conference was held in the year
140953. Who wrote the book Anand Math?
140954. Chattampi Swamikal attained Samadhi at
140955. Who among the following was the founder of Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam?
140956. Vaikom Satyagraha was started on
140957. Who wrote Daivadasakam?
140958. Dr.Palpu was born in the Year
140959. Who is the first Chief Minister of Telangana?
140960. Who is the author of the novel ‘Aarachar’
140961. Who won 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature?
140962. Who was selected as the goodwill ambassador of 35th National Games,Kerala?
140963. Who was the director of the film’Perariyathavar’
140964. Anupana for Saptasara Kashaya?
140965. Agnivardhaka property of gritha is becase of?
140966. Panchakola along with Saindhava Lavana and Gritha is used to prepare?
140967. Nisakatakady Kashayam is indicated in?
140968. Which type of a ahara become desa virudha in Jangaladesa?
140969. Latin name of Aswagandha?
140970. Urine used to prepare Viwadi Gulika?
140971. Wet drugs when compared with dry drug should be taken as?
140972. Due to weakness of Digestive fire rasa is inadequately digested and known as?
140973. Sargadhara explained how many times of drug administration?
140974. Drug should be taken in urdhvajatrugata rogas at?
140975. Indication of Dhavala lepa?
140976. Sargadhara has preferred to collect ushna veerya drugs from?
140977. A B C in basic life support stands for?
140978. Which swarasa is used to prepare Kottamchukkadi tailam?
140979. Drug used for evacuating bowels?
140980. Universal Antidote?
140981. Types of Ojus?
140982. Amount of swarna in Sidhamakaradwaja?
140983. A drug considered adulterated?
140984. Sunti,Jeeraka,Gajappali posses property?
140985. If grahymsa(useful part)not specified in a formulation then?
140986. Useful part of Sankupushpi?
140987. Typhoid fever is spread by?
140988. Guduchi Satwa is?
140989. Agnisamipastha vata?
140990. All dhatus are nourished simultaneously in?
140991. Ingredients of Vasaavaleha?
140992. National Phamacovigilance Resource Centre for Ayurveda by department of Ayush is situated in?
140993. Ability of drugs to induce malformations in foetus?
140994. Natamandanaka is the synonym of?
140995. Drug used for Dhanurvata is?
140996. Vasopressin which elevates blood pressure is from?
140997. Ingredient absent in Phalavarti?
140998. Branch of medical science which deals with doses?
140999. Study of what the body does to the drug?
141000. Bhavana dravya of Tribhuvana kirtirasa?
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