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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3130

156501. Trypanosomiasis is caused by?

156502. Trypanosome parasites are carried by?

156503. Which animal is called ‘Dog cat’?

156504. C.S.F.(Cerebrospinal Fluid) Test is used to diagnose?

156505. The vast portion of the body’s weight is made up of?

156506. While sleeping, a person’s blood pressure ____?

156507. Which disease causes the death of the largest number of children in the world?

156508. The liquid that gives softness to skin and hair?

156509. The cell which is affected by Human Immuno Virus?

156510. Which bird is called ‘Stupid Bird’?

156511. The important contractile proteins in a muscle are?

156512. Which of the following organelles is called ‘atom bombs’?

156513. Insufficient blood supply in the human body is referred to as?

156514. Which part of the body vibrates when a mosquito makes noise?

156515. The dance of bee is in the shape of which number?

156516. DOT treatment is related to?

156517. Pouring kerosene oil on stagnant water reduces mosquito problem because it?

156518. AA hereditary disease in which the blood does not clot and the affected person may bleed to death even from a small cut, is called?

156519. Pepsin, a digestive enzyme, is produced in the?

156520. Palak leaves rich in?

156521. Which one of the following was not proposed by Charles Darwin?

156522. Angiology is the study of?

156523. The heart beat rate of elephant per minute?

156524. Nitrogen base found in RNA?

156525. Hypoxia is a phenomenon that occurs in?

156526. Fire fly gives us cold light by virtue of its?

156527. The nearest ancestor of man is?

156528. H1N1 Virus is associated with?

156529. Birds can able to recognize their home through?

156530. World Wild Life Week is observed on?

156531. Red Data Book provides data on?

156532. Ailurophobia is the unnecessary fear of?

156533. Pasteurisation of milk is?

156534. Which of the following is a biologically incompatible marriage?

156535. Who is called as ‘the father of first aid’?

156536. AIDS virus has?

156537. Colour blindness can be removed by using?

156538. The vector that transmits Chikunguniya?

156539. The scientist who discovered the virus causing Chikun Guniya?

156540. World AIDS Day has been observed since?

156541. Which of the following is a degenerative disease?

156542. The hormone insulin is a?

156543. Which converts milk into curd?

156544. Which is a bone in human leg?

156545. Which organism reproduces through budding?

156546. ‘Rajapalayam’ is related to?

156547. The fear of bees?

156548. The disease not transmitted by house fly?

156549. Which animal has the normal gestation period of 22-24 months?

156550. The largest in the cat family?

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