20301. Grindability index of a coal is 100. It implies that the
20302. The cooling medium used in dry quenching of coke is
20303. A particular coal is said to be free burning when it
20304. Gobar gas is produced by the __________ of 'gobar' (cow dung).
20305. Power alcohol as compared to straight run gasoline has lower
20306. When the coal is heated in absence of air, it is called its
20307. C.V. (kcal/Nm3) of gaseous fuels __________ with increase in molecular weight.
20308. Shatter index of the coke is a measure of its
20309. Narrow coke ovens as compared to wider coke ovens
20310. A carbonaceous fuel (containing no H2 or hydrocarbons) is burnt and the resulting flue gas contains 21% CO2. It means that
20311. Fusion point of coal ash generally varies from 1000 to 1700° C. Ash having fusion point less than __________ °C is liable to form clinker.
20312. Light oil whose major component is benzol, is obtained by the distillation of crude tar in the temperature range of __________ °C.
20313. In FID/CCC,CCC stands for:
20314. With increase in C/H ratio of a fuel, the dew point of flue gases
20315. Calorific value of tar is about __________ Kcal/kg.
20316. Efficiency of the combustion of a fuel is judged by the __________ the flue gas.
20317. Tolerable concentration of toxic carbon monoxide in atmospheric air is about __________ PPm.
20318. Rate of low temperature oxidation of coal due to bad storage conditions
20319. In which indexing system Roleoperator is used:
20320. Preheating of __________ the flame temperature.
20321. Which of the following has the highest heat of combustion?
20322. Calorific value of wood gas is about __________ kcal/Nm3.
20323. Which adsorbant is used for removing sulphur compounds (S Q, H2S, RSH etc.) removal from coke oven gas in by-products recovery plant ?
20324. Temperature of coke oven gas just before entering into saturator (for recovery of NH3) is about __________ °C.
20325. A sample of natural gas containing 80% methane (CH4) and rest nitrogen (N2) is burnt with 20% excess air. With 80% of the combustibles producing CO2 and the reminder going to CO, the Orsat analysis in volume percent is
20326. Which of the following would require maximum amount of % excess air for complete combustion ?
20327. During combustion of a gaseous fuel, the presence of a non-luminous flame is an indication of the
20328. Flue gas obtained on complete combustion of pure acetylene (a hydrocarbon fuel) will contain
20329. Low temperature oxidation of coal is accelerated by the
20330. With increase in calorific value of fuels, their adiabatic flame temperatures
20331. Coal tar fuel - 200 (CTF 200) is a mixture of
20332. Calorific value of coke even gas produced by low temperature carbonisation of coal is about __________ Kcal/Nm3.
20333. High pressure coal gasification is employed in __________ process.
20334. Flue gas from the heating chamber of byproduct coke ovens is removed by
20335. Octane number of 2, 2, 4 - trimethyl pen-tane is
20336. Which of the following has the highest flame speed ?
20337. Coke ovens in steel plant are heated by
20338. Coke oven gas is a better fuel than blast furnace gas, because of its higher
20339. Short/intense flame is produced during combustion of gaseous fuel by using
20340. By-products recovery process from coal carbonisation is termed as direct, indirect and semi direct process depending upon the method of recovery of
20341. In ISBD(ER),ER stands for:
20342. Coke oven gas compared to blast furnace gas is
20343. Hardgrove grindability index of four coal samples are given below. Which of them is the easiest to grind ?
20344. Which is the heaviest fuel gas out of the following ?
20345. For every 10% increase in the excess air; the fuel consumption increases by __________ percent.
20346. Fusion point of coal ash increases with increase in its __________ content.
20347. Dublin Core is related to:
20348. Dry air required to burn 1 kg of carbon completely may be around __________ kg.
20349. Main component of sewage gas produced during aneorobic decomposition of organic waste (by suitable bacteria) during sewage disposal is
20350. Softening temperature of coal ash is a measure of the __________ of coal.