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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 416

20801. In a backward feed multiple effect evaporator

20802. Choose the correct equation.

20803. In a forward feed multiple effect evaporator unit

20804. In case of heat flow by conduction for a cylindrical body with an internal heat source, the nature of temperature distribution is

20805. For heat flow through very thick walled cylinder, use____mean radius.

20806. Indirect contact heat exchangers are preferred over direct contact heat exchangers, because

20807. Water is normally used as a coolant in the heat exchange equipments mainly because ofits

20808. The rate of emission of radiation by a body does not depend upon the

20809. Which of the following has maximum thermal conductivity at the same temperature?

20810. Maximum heat transfer rate is obtained in __________ flow.

20811. In case of __________ boiling, the liquid temperature is below the saturation temperature and the boiling takes place in the vicinity of the heated surface.

20812. The ratio of velocity head to tube side return loss in case of a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger is

20813. Terminal point temperature differences between fluids in case of a heat exchanger is termed as

20814. LMTD can't be used as such without a correction factor for the

20815. Fqra cold viscous feed, backward feed gives __________ than forward feed.

20816. Walls of a cubical oven are of thickness l, and they are made of material of thermal conductivity k. The temperature inside the oven is 100°C and the inside heat transfer co-efficient is 3k/l. If the wall temperature on the outside is held at 25°C, what is the inside wall temperature in degree centigrade ?

20817. Overall heat transfer co-efficient of a particular tube is U1. If the same tube with some dirt deposited on either side has coefficient U2, then

20818. In SI units, thermal conductivity is expressed in

20819. Boiling point of a solution according to Duhring's rule is a linear function of the __________ of water.

20820. The overall resistance for heat transfer through a series of flat resistance, is the __________ of the resistances.

20821. At what value of Prandtl number, conduction is negligible in the turbulent core of a fluid flowing through a heated pipe ?

20822. A sphere of radius 'R1' is enclosed in a sphere of radius 'R2'. The view (or shape) factor for radiative heat transfer of the outer sphere with respect to the inner sphere is

20823. For a laminar flow of fluid in a circular tube, 'h1' is the convective heat transfer co-efficient at velocity 'V1'. If the velocity is reduced by half and assuming the fluid properties are constant, the new convective heat transfer co-efficient is

20824. The main purpose of providing fins on heat transfer surface is to increase the

20825. A BTU/hr.ft.2 °F is equal to

20826. Which of the following has the lowest Prandtl number ?

20827. In SI units, fouling factor is expressed in

20828. An ejector is used to

20829. Extremely large or small volumes of fluids are generally best routed through the shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger, because of the

20830. All analogy equations connecting friction factor and heat transfer co-efficient apply only to

20831. Electro-magnetic spectrum range, which is important for radiation varies from __________ microns.

20832. The characteristic dimensionless groups for heat transfer to a fluid flowing through a pipe in laminar flow are

20833. Heat transfer rate described by Fourier's law will decrease, if the __________ increases.

20834. A black body does not __________ radiation.

20835. The capacity of double-effect evaporator is less than half of the capacity of two single effects, each of which is operating over same terminal temperature difference, when the

20836. Peclet number (Pe) is given by

20837. Nusselt number is the ratio of the

20838. Prandtl number is the ratio of

20839. Which of the following parameters is increased by use of finned tube in a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger ?

20840. Forced circulation evaporators are useful for the concentration of viscous, salting and scale forming liquors. Which of the following is a forced circulation evaporator?

20841. "The ratio of the total emissive power to the absorptivity for all bodies is same at ther-mal equilibrium". This is __________ law.

20842. View factor is important in heat transfer by

20843. The advantage of using a 1 - 2 shell and tube heat exchanger over a 1 - 1 shell and tube heat exchanger is

20844. For a multipass shell and tube heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor is always

20845. If heat transfer rate varies with the time, it is termed as

20846. Identify the part of the Indian Constitution which reflects the mind and ideals of the framers:

20847. Tube expansion allowances exist in __________ heat exchanger.

20848. In which state the Flamingo Festival-2016 is organized?

20849. Agitated film evaporator is suitable for concentrating __________ liquids.

20850. The thickness of condensate layer in filmwise condensation depends on the

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