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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 756

37801. Who has been elected new President of 90th Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan?

37802. Name the state that on 11 December 2016 launched Narmada Seva Yatra with an aim to turn it pollution free.

37803. Tata Industries during an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) removed a person from his post of Director. Name him.

37804. In angiosperms,functional megaspore develops into:

37805. The endosperm of gymnosperm is:

37806. Polyploidy can be inducted with the help of:

37807. Algal zone od coralloid root of Cycas generally has:

37808. Agar is extracted from the members of:

37809. The individual unit of perianth is:

37810. What is the role of kidney in Mammals?

37811. Hormone Vasopressin helps:

37812. Which of the following statement is correct for a pathogen?

37813. Select the most accepted sequence in human evolution:

37814. Convergensi evolution will result in:

37815. Organ transplanted individuals are given drugs to minimize the rejection of transplanted organs.How do these drugs work?

37816. What is the major difference between active and passive transport?

37817. The number of six chromosomes that a human female can inherit from mother is::

37818. T-Lymphocytes are part of

37819. Sericulture is associated with:

37820. Proteins that are designed to be exported outside of the cell are synthesized on/in:

37821. Which of the following is our National Animal?

37822. Good Ozone is found in:

37823. A person with sickle cell anaemia has advantages over the disease:

37824. Which group of animals belongs to the same phylum?

37825. The slope of the curveY=1/x at x=1 equals:2

37826. limit (1-x)/1-x is:x->1

37827. Name the country that in December 2016 demonetised its biggest banknotes.

37828. Name the Canadian woman who became the first to appear on Canadian $10 banknote?

37829. United Bank of India has adopted two villages, namely Patunagar and Sachindranagar in a state to implement schemes in the line of digital India program. Name the state where these two villages are located.

37830. Which of the following footballers has won the 2016 FIFA Ballon D'or Award ?

37831. Gotthard Base Tunnel(GBT), the world's longest and deepest traffic tunnel,is located in which country?

37832. The helpline number which will be launched by the government to promote digital payments?

37833. India's first amphibious bus project has been launched by which state government?

37834. "Vanjeevan" the National Resource Centre for Tribal Livelihood will be launch in which state?

37835. It is with this country the European Union signed an agreement on Political Dialogue and Cooperation.

37836. Name the Syrian city that was liberated by its Army after ousting rebels.

37837. Who won the World Billiards Championships title in Bengaluru?

37838. Who became the first Indian cricketer to score a century at No. 9?

37839. Which European City introduced odd-even car rule to tackle smog?

37840. Venezuelan President ordered closure of border with a country for 72 hours in crackdown on smuggling. Name the country with which the border will be closed.

37841. Name the person who was picked as Secretary of State by US President-elect Donald Trump.

37842. "Fengyun-4" an advance weather satellite has been successfully launched into orbit by which country?

37843. Antonio Guterres, who has been sworn-in as the new Secretary General of the United Nations, is the former Prime Minister of which country?

37844. Who is the newly elected Prime Minister of New Zealand?

37845. Name the South African cricketer who decided to step down from South Africa's Test captaincy with immediate effect in December 2016.

37846. Who has won the World Billiards (150-Up format) Championships title?

37847. The book "The Other One Percent: Indians in America" has been authored by whom?

37848. Which state government has tied up with Tata Trust to strengthen Public Distribution System (PDS)?

37849. The Parametric form of x2+y2=4 is:

37850. The value of sinh-1 1 using logarithm is:

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