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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 887
44351. Gateway of India is situated at:
44352. Father of Indian Renaissance:
44353. Colour of the UN Flag is:
44354. National Flower of Mouritious:
44355. The first Indian president to vote in the General Election
44356. Father of Modern Indian Painting is:
44357. The first ever Agricultural Marketing & Farm Friendly Reforms Index was launched by
44358. First education Minister of Independent India is:
44359. Who established’Kerala Kalamandalam’:
44360. Ajantha caves are situated at:
44361. ’Pravasi Bharathiya din’is celebrated on:
44362. The only Municipal Corporation of kerala without sea shore
44363. In word,the mailing list is known as the ------
44364. Which of the following is a graphic solution for word processors?
44365. To get”Symbol”dialog box,click on the --------menu and choose symbol
44366. The number of main spring used in a typewriter?
44367. The Key F12 opens for-------
44368. How many ways you can save a document?
44369. Bold,Itallic,regular are known as:
44370. What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?
44371. The short cut Key Ctrl+I is used to:
44372. Why Drop caps are used in document?
44373. Carriage rests on the --------
44374. From which menu you can insert Header & Footer in Word 2003?
44375. Autocorrect was originally designed to replace-------words as you type.
44376. The file type------------------indicates the file is a Word document:
44377. In the dog block of a typewriter,there are---------dogs.
44378. A word processor would most likely be used to do:
44379. Which of the following is used to create news paper column?
44380. ---------helps to format a document automatically
44381. CTRL+Z stands for:
44382. Minimum Zoom percentage supported by MS Word is:
44383. The task of changing appearance of a document is---------
44384. If you wish to print in wide format which page orientation you will select?
44385. Which input device is not suitable to work with MS Word?
44386. --------are areas in the top and bottom margins of each page in a document
44387. Keys are arranged in--------rows in a typewriter
44388. To change selected text to all capital letters,click change case button and then click--------
44389. CTRL+A can be used to select ------------
44390. Which is called the permanent memory built into a computer?
44391. The computer abbreviations KB usually stands for--------
44392. ’Tools’is in ----------menu of the Adobe Page Maker
44393. Picture Palette is used for --------a picture in Adobe PageMaker
44394. Ctrl+E are the shortcut key for ---------in Adobe PageMaker
44395. ”pmd”files can be created by using----------software
44396. We can change the font by:
44397. Full Form of JPG:
44398. ”Text wrap”option is contained in:
44399. Full form of FTP:
44400. One of the following is not a search Engine:
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