civil-engineering-tunnelling Related Question Answers

1. Pick up the correct statement regarding drilling a tunnel from the following:

2. For tunnels exceeding 300 m in length, the grade should be provided below

3. The method of draining in the tunnels, is generally known as

4. Pick up the correct statement from the following during tunnel excavation,

5. To attain the required shape of the tunnel section, we use :

6. The most commonly adopted pattern of cut holes is :

7. Which one of the following linings is suitable for shield driven tunnels particularly in the subaqueous regions :

8. In case of railways,

9. The following tunnels were constructed in different countries for different purposes : 1. Emperor Claudius built the first Roman tunnel 2. The first highway tunnel was constructed in Hungary 3. The first underground railway tunnel was constructed in Great Britain 4. The first navigational tunnel was constructed in France. The correct chronological development of these tunnels is:

10. The following operations are generally employed for tunnelling in hard rock. 1. Removing ground water, 2. Loading holes and firing the explosive 3. Setting up and drilling 4. Grouting and lining 5. Removing muck 6. Ventilation and removing explosion dust The correct sequence is :

11. Pick up the mechanical ventilation method used for tunnels from the following:

12. Which one of the following methods of tunnelling does not require the use of time bearing :

13. For highways, tunnelling is preferred to if the open cut exceeds :

14. The following operations are required for tunnelling in rocky terrain : 1. Removing the foul gases 2. Marking the tunnel profile 3. Setting up and drilling 4. Checking misfire 5. Mucking The correct sequence is :

15. The advantages of providing a pair of tunnels as compared to only one large highway tunnel is :

16. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of setting of an inclined tunnel:

17. Forepoling method is generally adopted for tunnelling in :

18. Concrete lining is provided concurrently with the driving operation in case of

19. The concentration of the dust particles of the size 0.5 to 5 microns adjacent to the working face should not be more than

20. Which one of the following statements is not correct with regard to heading and hench-ing method of tunnelling.

21. Which one of the following methods is generally used for the layout of the muck-car tracks

22. For transferring the tunnel alignment through shafts, we adopt the following steps : 1. Hanging two or more plumb lines in the shaft 2. Determining the bearing of the plumb lines i.e. plumb plane 3. Suspending a 35 kg weight by each plumb line 4. Immersing the weights of both the plumb lines in the buckets containing water. The correct sequence of steps is :

23. For initial surveys of tunnels, the following activities are involved: 1. Marking portal point with concrete pillars on the ground 2. Marking tunnel obligatory points on the topographical maps 3. Preliminary setting of the tunnel on the topographical Survey of India maps 3. Driving lines between the fixed obligatory points. The correct sequence of the activities is :

24. For full face method, the excavation to be done is generally divided into

25. The tunnels, the artificial underground passages are constructed for :

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