1. When the drafter types the word BLOCK or selects the Make Block tool from the Draw tool bar the ________ will appear.
2. When creating a block the drafter needs to pay particular attention to selecting a base point because it determines the ________.
3. When using versions of AutoCAD prior to Release 2006 it may be necessary to ________ a block in order to edit it.
4. Some common blocks used by architectural drafters include ________.
5. Inserting blocks into a drawing file usually requires exacting placement. The drafter should insure that ________ is turned on.
6. The drafter can either type the word block or select the Make Block tool in the Draw tool bar to create a block.
7. When creating a block consideration should be given to the base point because it directly relates to the insertion point.
8. When creating a block the drafter should carefully draw it in the 0 layer.
9. The Insert Block tool is inside the Modify tool set.
10. In AutoCAD a block is a symbol or object that can be inserted into a drawing.
11. When inserting a block into a drawing the drafter can easily change the scale to match a particular scale factor for the drawing.
12. Blocks containing tags or labels of data are called Data Blocks.
13. AutoCAD will allow the drafter to insert an entire drawing as a block.
14. A group of blocks stored in a drawing file is commonly referred to as a block library.
15. Exploding a block will allow the drafter to edit a block.
16. An AutoCAD term that refers to a pre-drawn object which is stored in a drawing file and can be inserted into any other drawing file as needed is a ________.
17. Most architectural firms and mechanical design companies utilize different categories of blocks. These sets of blocks are usually housed in ________.
18. In some circumstances an entire drawing can be inserted into a different drawing as a block. When this is used the base point will default to ________.
19. When creating your own blocks it is important to avoid drawing any portion of the block in the ________ layer.
20. Newer versions of AutoCAD utilize the ________ to make block library management very easy.