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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1370
68501. Who is the author of “Mountbatten and Independent India”?
Answer: Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
68502. The Currency of Columbia?
Answer: Peso
68503. First Woman Chief Justice of a High Court?
Answer: Leela Seth
68504. Bhopal tragedy (1984 )was due to the leakage of ?
Answer: Methyl Isocyanate
68505. The Capital of Thailand?
Answer: Bangkok
68506. Who is the author of “Flames from the Ashes”?
Answer: P.D.Tandon
68507. Who is the author of Future Shock?
Answer: Alvin Toffler
68508. Who is the author of “Jobs for Millions”?
Answer: V.V.Giri
68509. Who is popularly known as the Jhansi of Travancore?
Answer: Accama Cherian
68510. Who is the creator of the famous character “Don Juan”
Answer: Lord Byron
68511. Who is the inventor of Television?
Answer: J.L.Baird
68512. Eternal City of Hopes?
Answer: Rome; Italy
68513. Who is the author of Sohrab and Rustum ?
Answer: Mathew Arnold
68514. Malayalam Radio Broadcasting was started for first time in 1939 from?
Answer: Chennai
68515. Longest Railway Bridge?
Answer: Huey P. Long Bridge; 7009 m (Metairie; Louisiana; USA)
68516. Who is the grandson of Herman Gundert; winner the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946?
Answer: Herman Hesse
68517. Who was the first African Traveller(Morocco) to reach Kerala?
Answer: Ibn Batuta
68518. The unification of Germany was completed in the year?
Answer: 1870
68519. Kerala Lalita Kala Academy , an autonomous body was established in 1962 at?
Answer: Thrissur
68520. Who founded 'Young Italy' in 1821?
Answer: Joseph Massini
68521. National Botanical Research Institute is located at?
Answer: Lucknow; (U.P.)
68522. Japanese style of flower arranging is known as ?
Answer: Ikebana
68523. Who is the author of Utopia-A Bold New World?
Answer: Shishir Gupta
68524. Who is the author of Mrs Warren's Profession ?
Answer: Bernard Shaw
68525. Who is the author of “I Follow the Mahatma”?
Answer: K.M.Munshi
68526. Who is the creator of the famous character “Dorian Gray”
Answer: Oscar Wilde
68527. Who is the author of Murder on the Orient Express ?
Answer: Agatha Christie
68528. Who is the author of “Malini”?
Answer: Kumaranasan
68529. Attingal Rebellion was on?
Answer: 15 April 1721
68530. Britain of the South?
Answer: New Zealand
68531. National Police Academy is located at?
Answer: Abu Road (Rajasthan).
68532. What is called the 'universal biological energy currency'?
Answer: ATP
68533. Who is the author of “Lord Jim”?
Answer: Joseph Conrad
68534. The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna was?
Answer: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
68535. Which country was the birth place of Renaissance movement?
Answer: Italy
68536. New York city is situated on the banks of ?
Answer: Hudson river
68537. Who was the Second Central Cabinet Minister from Kerala?
Answer: Y.K. Krishna Menon
68538. The Tombs of Egyptian Pharohs were known as ?
Answer: Pyramids
68539. KITTS (Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies) is in?
Answer: Trivandrom
68540. Who is the author of Edward II ?
Answer: Christopher Marlowe
68541. Who is the creator of the famous character “Micky Mouse”
Answer: Walt Disney
68542. Tenth and the last Guru of the Sikhs?
Answer: Guru Gobind Singh
68543. Study of fish are called ?
Answer: Ichthyology
68544. Who is the author of Nirmala ?
Answer: Prem Chand
68545. Largest State in?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh (India)
68546. Who is the author of “ Mathilukal”?
Answer: Vaikom Muhammed Basheer
68547. Who is the author of “Jeevanasangeetham”?
Answer: G. Sankara Kurup
68548. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Institute is located at?
Answer: New Delhi.
68549. Central Institute of Languages is located at?
Answer: Mysore (Karnataka).
68550. Who is the author of Brick Lane ?
Answer: Monica Ali
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