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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2002
100101. The strongest force of nature is?
Answer: Nuclear force
100102. Nuclear force acts between the….?
Answer: Nucleons
100103. The process of changing nucleus of one element into other by the spontaneous emission of certain radiation?
Answer: Radio activity
100104. SI unit of Radioactivity?
Answer: Becquerel (Bq)
100105. Another unit of Radioactivity?
Answer: Curie
100106. Radioactive substances emit 3 types of radiation?
Answer: Alpha; Beta and Gama
100107. The device used for detecting and measuring radiation?
Answer: Gieger counter
100108. Product of Natural radioactivity?
Answer: Lead
100109. Particle with highest ionization energy?
Answer: Alpha
100110. Particle with least ionization energy?
Answer: Gamma
100111. Particle with highest penetrating power?
Answer: Gamma
100112. Particle with least penetrating power?
Answer: Alpha
100113. Particle With highest velocity?
Answer: Gamma
100114. Particle with least velocity?
Answer: Alpha
100115. Radioactive elements used as medicine?
Answer: Phosphorous 32; Iodine 131; Oxygen 15
100116. Compound used as heavy water?
Answer: Deuterium Oxide (D2O)
100117. Deuterium is known as?
Answer: Heavy hydrogen
100118. The radio active isotope used for the treatment of cancer is?
Answer: Cobalt 60
100119. The process of combining of two lighter nuclei to give a heavier nucleus is called?
Answer: Nuclear fusion
100120. Nuclear fusion is otherwise called as?
Answer: Thermonuclear reaction
100121. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of?
Answer: Nuclear fusion
100122. Nuclear fusion was discovered by?
Answer: Hans Bathe
100123. Isotope of hydrogen used in nuclear fusion?
Answer: Tritium
100124. The main source of solar energy is?
Answer: Nuclear fusion
100125. The phenomenon of breaking a heavy nucleus into two light nuclei of almost equal masses along with release of huge amount of energy is called?
Answer: Nuclear fission
100126. Uncontrolled chain reaction is the working principle of?
Answer: Atom Bomb
100127. Nuclear fission was discovered by?
Answer: Ottohann and Friz strassmann
100128. Time interval taken by a radioactive substance to disintegrate to half of its initial weight is called?
Answer: Half life
100129. Radio Carbon (carbon -14) has a half life of?
Answer: 5760 years
100130. The average lifetime of atoms in a radioactive substance is called?
Answer: Mean life
100131. Uranium - 235 is known as?
Answer: Enriched uranium
100132. The technique used to determine the age of fossils of animals and plants?
Answer: Carbon dating
100133. The technique used to estimate the age of rocks from the moon?
Answer: Uranium dating
100134. The technique used for finding the age of rocks?
Answer: Rubidium – Strontium dating
100135. The technique used for calculating the age of caves and sea animals?
Answer: Uranium - Thorium dating
100136. Dating method used for determining the age of archaeological materials?
Answer: Thermoluminescence
100137. Fourth largest source of electricity in India?
Answer: Nuclear power
100138. First atomic reactor in India?
Answer: Apsara' in Trombay (Maharashtra)
100139. Chain reaction is allowed to proceed slowly and in a controlled manner in?
Answer: Nuclear reactor
100140. Fuels used in nuclear reactors are?
Answer: Uranium 233; Uranium 235; Plutonium 239
100141. The device used to slow down the fast moving secondary neutrons?
Answer: Moderator
100142. Commonly used moderators are?
Answer: Heavy water; Graphite; Rods of Boron and Cadmium; Berillium oxide
100143. The substances used to remove the heat produced from the nuclear reactor?
Answer: Coolants
100144. Coolant used in high temperature breeder reactor?
Answer: Liquid Sodium
100145. The fuel used in the fast breeder reactors?
Answer: Plutonium; Uranium oxide Power reactors Converts nuclear fission energy into electric power
100146. Early reactors were known as?
Answer: Atomic piles
100147. Atomic clock (ceasium) was discovered by?
Answer: Louis Essen
100148. The total normal force exerted by a fluid on a surface is called?
Answer: Thrust
100149. The total gravitational force act on a body?
Answer: Weight {W=mg [m·= mass of the body; g = acceleration due to gravity]}
100150. Weight of a body is Minimum at?
Answer: the Equator
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