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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2003
100151. Weight of a body is Zero at?
Answer: The centre of Earth
100152. Weight of a body is maximum at?
Answer: The poles of the Earth
100153. Weight of a body in moon is equal to?
Answer: 1/6th of the weight of a body on earth
100154. The amount of matter contained in a body is called?
Answer: Mass
100155. Density of water is?
Answer: 1000 kg/m3
100156. Density of water is maximum at?
Answer: 4°C
100157. Relative density is also known as?
Answer: Specific gravity
100158. Water occupies maximum volume at?
Answer: - 0°C
100159. When ice melts level of water….?
Answer: remains Constant
100160. When ice melts, its volume…..?
Answer: Decreases
100161. Why Ice floats on water?
Answer: Density of Ice is less than the density of water
100162. Why a ship of iron and steel float on water?
Answer: Density of iron is less than the density of water
100163. Why Iron nail sinks in water?
Answer: Density of iron is less than the density of water
100164. Why do an iron nail floats on mercury?
Answer: Density of mercury is lessthan the density of iron
100165. Why a Ship moves from river to sea rises?
Answer: Density of sea water is greater than the little higher density of fresh water
100166. Why It is impossible to extinguish fire due to petrol with water?
Answer: - Density of water is greater than the density of petrol. So petrol floats above the water and continue burning.
100167. Why do Ice sinks in alcohol?
Answer: Density of water is greater than the density of alcohol.
100168. Explain Pascal's law or also known as principle of Transmission of fluid pressure?
Answer: A force exerted on anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is transmitted equally in all directions
100169. Pascal's law was discovered by?
Answer: Blaise Pascal
100170. The law that explains the working of Hydraulic Press is?
Answer: Pascal's law
100171. The law that explains the working of Hydraulic jack is?
Answer: Pascal's law
100172. The law that explains the working of Hydraulic lifts is?
Answer: Pascal's law
100173. The law that explains the working of Flush tank is?
Answer: Pascal's law
100174. When a body is immersed partly or wholly in a liquid, a force acts on the body by the liquid in the upward direction. This force is called?
Answer: Buoyant force [Example: A bucket of water weighs less when immersed in water]
Answer: When a body is completely or partly immersed in a fluid; the body experiences an upward thrust which is equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the body
100176. The law of lever was proposed by?
Answer: Archimedes
100177. The device used to test the purity of milk.?
Answer: Lactometer
100178. The majority of UV radiations coming from the sun are absorbed by the?
Answer: Ozone layer
100179. Periscopeisa device works on the principle of?
Answer: Reflection and Refraction
100180. Photometry is the branch deals with the measurement of light emitted by the?
Answer: Objects
100181. Father of cybernetics?
Answer: Norbert Weiner
100182. Audible Frequency of sound of Human?
Answer: 20Hz - 20000Hz
100183. Frequency of sound Less than 20 Hz is?
Answer: Infrasonic
100184. Frequency of sound Greater than 20000 Hz?
Answer: Ultrasonic
100185. Tachyon was discovered by?
Answer: ECG Sudharshan
100186. Wave theory was formulated by?
Answer: Christian Huygens
100187. Quantum theory was formulated by -?
Answer: Max Planck
100188. Corpuscular theory was formulated by?
Answer: Isaac Newton
100189. Who discovered that white light consist of different colours?
Answer: Isaac Newton
100190. Light is an electromagnetic wave -?
Answer: Heinrich Hertz
100191. Who discovered the 3 primary colours?
Answer: Thomas Young
100192. The term Energy was coined by -?
Answer: Thomas Young
100193. Who discovered that Speed of light varies in different media?
Answer: Leon Foucault
100194. Raman effect was discovered by…. on….?
Answer: C.V Raman; Feb. 28; 1928
100195. Why February 28 is celebrated as National Science Day?
Answer: Discovery of Raman effect
100196. C. V Raman was awarded Nobel Prize in?
Answer: 1930
100197. Raman effect is associated with?
Answer: Scattering of light
100198. Blue colour of sea was explained by?
Answer: C.V. Raman
100199. Celsius to Kelvin Scale conversion formula is?
Answer: K = C + 273.15
100200. Kelvin to Celsius C conversion formula is?
Answer: C= K- 273.15
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