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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 3379
168951. You had better________ to the bus stop.
Answer: walk
168952. കര്മ്മധാരയ സമാസം വരുന്നത്? [Karmmadhaaraya samaasam varunnath?]
Answer: തീക്ഷ്ണപ്രഭ [Theekshnaprabha]
168953. The area of a square field is 69696 cm It`s diagonal will be equal to?
Answer: 373.296cm
168954. കയർ ബോർഡിന്റെ ആസ്ഥാനം? [Kayar bordinte aasthaanam?]
Answer: കൊച്ചി [Kocchi]
168955. ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ദേശീയ കായിക ഇനം ? [Inthyayude desheeya kaayika inam ?]
Answer: ഹോക്കി [Hokki]
168956. .India"s First and only Design University?
Answer: -World University of design ( WUD) Sonipat - Haryana.
168957. The default view in Excel is …………………..view.
Answer: Normal
168958. Reported speech : "Which country do you come from?" said Ram.
Answer: Ram asked which country I came from
168959. Pazhassi dam is situated at
Answer: Kannur
168960. .Absence of Government is
Answer: Anarchy
168961. A seller sold 1/5 of his goods at a profit of 10 percentage. By how much percent profit he would sell the remaining part to get a total of 20% ?
Answer: 22.50%
168962. The organisation Samatva samajam was founded by:
Answer: Vaikunta Swami
168963. താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നവയില് പ്രയോജക ക്രിയ ഏത്? [Thaazhe kodutthirikkunnavayil prayojaka kriya eth?]
Answer: നടത്തിക്കുന്നു [Nadatthikkunnu]
168964. What is the theme of National Science Day 2018?
Answer: Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future
168965. Menu : Food :: Catalogue : ____
Answer: Books
168966. Which one of the following is a kharif crop?
Answer: Maize
168967. His father advised Raj______use soft drinks.
Answer: not to
168968. ജീവന്റെ ഉൽപ്പത്തിയെ കുറിച്ച് പഠിക്കുന്ന ശാസ്ത്ര ശാഖ [Jeevante ulppatthiye kuricchu padtikkunna shaasthra shaakha]
Answer: അയോ ജനിസിസ് [Ayo janisisu]
168969. രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ സര്വ്വസൈന്യാധിപനും തലവനും ആരാണ്? [Raajyatthinre sarvvasynyaadhipanum thalavanum aaraan?]
Answer: രാഷ്ട്രപതി [Raashdrapathi]
168970. World Human Right Day?
Answer: December 10
168971. വഴപ്പള്ളി ശാസനം പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ച രാജാവ് [Vazhappalli shaasanam purappeduviccha raajaavu]
Answer: രാജശേഖര വർമ്മൻ [Raajashekhara varmman]
168972. The highest National Environmental award:
Answer: ParyavaranMithra award
168973. Which ports connect special types of music instruments to sound cards ?
Answer: USB
168974. Padayani is the folk art from of the district of
Answer: Pathanamthitta
168975. Which chemical has the nickname of `water glass`?
Answer: Sodium silicate
168976. If my mother had not grabbed my arm, I ---------
Answer: might have slipped
168977. The largests under ground power station in Kerala?
Answer: Moolamattom
168978. The number of functional keys in a keyboard
Answer: 12
168979. Which Article of the Constitution empowers the High Courts to issue writs?
Answer: Article 226
168980. യു.എൻ രജതജൂബിലി ചടങ്ങിൽ പാടാൻ അവസരം കിട്ടിയത് [Yu. En rajathajoobili chadangil paadaan avasaram kittiyathu]
Answer: എം.എസ്. സുബ്ബലക്ഷ്മി [Em. Esu. Subbalakshmi]
168981. "Stet" written on manuscripts represents:
Answer: Type the matter scored off
168982. The present age of Krishnan is twice the age of his son Raju. 10 years ago, krishnan`s age was three times the age of Raju. What is the present age of krishnan?
Answer: 40
168983. 2/1+5/01+3/.001+1 എത്ര? [2/1+5/01+3/. 001+1 ethra?]
Answer: 3521
168984. ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ ഗുരുത്വാകർഷണബലം [Ettavum kooduthal guruthvaakarshanabalam]
Answer: വ്യാഴം [Vyaazham]
168985. ഉത്തരായന രേഖയോടടുത്തുളള മെട്രോ പൊളിറ്റന് നഗരം [Uttharaayana rekhayodadutthulala medro polittan nagaram]
Answer: കൊല്ക്കത്ത [Kolkkattha]
168986. A new series of hundred rupee notes ____ been issued
Answer: has
168987. Which is the densest metal
Answer: Osmium
168988. If my father were there _________
Answer: he would help you
168989. पूसा रूबी" किसकी उन्नत किस्म है?
Answer: टमाटर
168990. How many members can be nominated to Loksabha by President?
Answer: 2
168991. The first Chief Minister of Travancore popular ministry
Answer: Pattam Thanupillai
168992. Rhinos are exploited for its
Answer: Horn
168993. സമാധാനത്തിനുളള നോബൽ സമ്മാനംലഭിച്ച ആദ്യ ആഫ്രിക്കൻ വനിത? [Samaadhaanatthinulala nobal sammaanamlabhiccha aadya aaphrikkan vanitha?]
Answer: വംഗാരി മാതായ് [Vamgaari maathaayu]
168994. Recently dead Mufti Muhammed Sayyid was the Chief Minister of-------- state
Answer: Jammu-Kashmir
168995. The Commission which was set up to study the crisis of KSRTC
Answer: Sushil Khanna
168996. Having, found nothing to eat, I made an .........
Answer: Omelette
168997. My mother usually cooks food in the morning , but today she ---- in the evening.
Answer: is cooking
168998. Section 66 of IT Act 2000 deals with..........
Answer: Hacking
168999. Which of the following word is most similar in meaning to the word ‘feeble ?
Answer: weak
169000. ആനന്ദഗുരു ഗീത’ എന്ന കൃതി രചിച്ചത്? [Aanandaguru geetha’ enna kruthi rachicchath?]
Answer: ബ്രഹ്മാനന്ദ ശിവയോഗി [Brahmaananda shivayogi]
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