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Which one of the following foreign agencies will assist the municipal agencies to improve quality of municipal schools through its School Excellence Programmes (SEP) ? ?->(Show Answer!)
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1. Which one of the following foreign agencies will assist the municipal agencies to improve quality of municipal schools through its School Excellence Programmes (SEP) ?

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MCQ->Which one of the following foreign agencies will assist the municipal agencies to improve quality of municipal schools through its School Excellence Programmes (SEP) ?....
MCQ->Statement: A large number of students studying in municipal schools could not pass the Xth Std. Board examination causing frustration among the students and their parents. Courses of Action: The Municipal authority should immediately review the position and initiate measures to improve the situation. The municipal authority should immediately fill up the teachers' vacancies in the municipal schools. The municipal authority should close down some of their schools and concentrate their attention on remaining schools to improve the conditions.

MCQ->Statements: The standard of education in private schools is much better than Municipal and Zila Parishad-run schools. Conclusions: The Municipal and Zila Pariskad should make serious efforts to improve standard of their schools. All Municipal and Zila Parishad schools should be closed immediately.

MCQ->Statement: Number of dropouts from the municipal schools has significantly increased after withdrawal of mid-day meal scheme. Courses of Action: The government should reconsider its decision of withdrawal of midday meal scheme. The government should close down some of the municipal schools. The government should carry out a detailed study to find out the reasons for school dropouts.

MCQ->Statements: Although the education system has progressed from the point of view of the number of schools, most of them are ill-equipped and have not achieved excellence in imparting education. Conclusions: In future, we should provide good teachers and equipment to these schools. We need not open any more schools in the future.

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