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STD is an acronym for: ?->(Show Answer!)
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1. STD is an acronym for:

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MCQ->Statements: The school authority has asked the X Std. students to attend special classes to be conducted on Sundays. The parents of the X Std. students have withdrawn their wards from attending private tuitions conducted on Sundays.

MCQ->Statement: A large number of students who have passed their XII Std. terminal examination in the country could not get admission to colleges as the number of seats available are grossly inadequate. Courses of Action: The evaluation system of XII Std. terminal examination should be made more tough so that fewer students pass the examination. The Government should encourage the private sector to open new colleges by providing them land at cheaper rate. The rich people should be asked to send their wards to foreign countries for higher studies enabling the needy students to get admission in colleges within the country.

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MCQ->STD is an acronym for:....
MCQ->Statement: A large number of students studying in municipal schools could not pass the Xth Std. Board examination causing frustration among the students and their parents. Courses of Action: The Municipal authority should immediately review the position and initiate measures to improve the situation. The municipal authority should immediately fill up the teachers' vacancies in the municipal schools. The municipal authority should close down some of their schools and concentrate their attention on remaining schools to improve the conditions.

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