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1. Religion is an important institution of:

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MCQ->1. Technology is meant for bringing comfort to the body and spirituality brings comfort to the mind. P. But in India that never happened, religion has always encouraged Science. Q. Scientists were persecuted. R. Here religion and Philosophy were never isolated practices. S. In the West, religion was always opposed to Science. 6. They intertwined with life, In music, art, drama, dance, painting and sculpture.....
MCQ->Religion is an important institution of:....
MCQ->Statement: Keeping in view the financial constraints, the management institution has decided to charge at the time of providing employment in various organisations, a placement fee of Rs. 25000 from the organisations in which the student will be provided the employment. Assumptions: It will help in increasing the demand of the students belonging to the management institution. The amount collected in this way will be purposeful. It may be possible that the organisation providing employment may select less number of students in future.

MCQ->Statement: Should religion be banned? Arguments: Yes. It develops fanaticism in people. No, Religion binds people together.

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