1. Which of the following commands is used to assign executable permission to the owner of the file named "note"?
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By: guest on 01 Jun 2017 10.56 pm
Users selection:
u - user: the owner of the file.
g - group: users who are members of the file's group.
o - others: users who are not the owner of the file or members of the group.
a - all: all three of the above, is the same as ugo.
u - user: the owner of the file.
g - group: users who are members of the file's group.
o - others: users who are not the owner of the file or members of the group.
a - all: all three of the above, is the same as ugo.
r - read
w - write
x - execute
So, u+x => Execute (x) permission to Owner (u).