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QA->Neutral party called upon to settle a dispute without reference to any other party....
QA->Colour of Neutral wire in domestic circuits is?....
QA->pH value generally starts from 0 and ends at 14. Neutral solution have?....
QA->Detergents are basically-Alkaline/Acidic/Neutral?....
QA->Positive ions are formed from neutral atoms by loss of?....
MCQ->The basic assumption of plane sections normal to the neutral axis before bending, remaining plane and normal to the neutral axis after bending, leads to :....
MCQ->A singly reinforced beam has breadth b, effective depth d, depth of neutral axis n and critical neutral axis n1. If fc and ft are permissible compressive and tensile stresses, the moment to resistance of the beam, is....
MCQ->Consider for following statements : In an under-reinforced concrete beam, 1. actual depth of neutral axis is less than the critical depth of neutral axis. 2. concrete reaches ultimate stress prior to steel reaching the ultimate stress. 3. moment of resistance is less than that of balanced sections. 4. lever arm of resisting couple is less than that of balanced sections. Which of the statements given above are correct ?....
MCQ->A two-phase generator is connected to two 90 load resistors. Each coil generates 120 V ac. A common neutral line exists. How much current flows through the common neutral line?....
MCQ->A three-phase generator is connected to three 90 load resistors. Each coil generates 120 V ac. A common neutral line exists. How much current flows through the common neutral line?....
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