Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /www/wwwroot/jobquiz.info/mdiscuss.php on line 336 Size of short integer and long integer can be verified using the sizeof() operator. ?->(Show Answer!)
1. Size of short integer and long integer can be verified using the sizeof() operator.
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By: guest on 01 Jun 2017 06.01 pm
True, we can find the size of short integer and long integer using the sizeof() operator.
Example: #include<stdio.h>int main() { shortint i = 10; longint j = 10; printf("short int is %d bytes.,\nlong int is %d bytes.", sizeof(i),sizeof(j)); return0; } Output:
short int is 2 bytes.
long int is 4 bytes.
Example: #include<stdio.h> int main() { short int i = 10; long int j = 10; printf("short int is %d bytes.,\nlong int is %d bytes.", sizeof(i),sizeof(j)); return 0; } Output:
short int is 2 bytes.
long int is 4 bytes.