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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1005
50251. A two-terminal variable resistor is known as a
50252. Eight-tenths coulomb passes a point in 4 s. The current in amperes is
50253. When the current is 2.5 A, how many coulombs pass a point in 0.2 s?
50254. The colored bands for a 4,700 ohm resistor with a ten percent tolerance are
50255. A material that does not allow current under normal conditions is a(n)
50256. The unit of electrical charge is the
50257. A multimeter measures
50258. If there is 6 A of current through the filament of a lamp, how many coulombs of charge move through the filament in 1.75 s?
50259. A wiper is the sliding contact in a
50260. A neutral atom with an atomic number of five has how many electrons?
50261. A circuit breaker is a
50262. An ammeter is an electrical instrument used to measure
50263. A red, red, orange, gold resistor has a nominal value of
50264. An ohmmeter is an instrument for measuring
50265. The current in a given circuit is not to exceed 24 A. Which value of fuse is best?
50266. The nominal value of a brown, black, yellow, and gold resistor is 100,000 ohms.
50267. An ammeter is connected across the current path.
50268. Free electrons make current possible.
50269. A potentiometer is a two-terminal variable resistor.
50270. The atomic number is the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
50271. A free electron is a valence electron that has broken away from its parent atom.
50272. Resistance limits the current.
50273. An open circuit is one that has a complete current path.
50274. A neutral atom is one with an equal number of protons and electrons.
50275. A voltmeter is connected across the current path.
50276. Materials with lots of free electrons are called
50277. Maximum permitted fat in low fat ice cream as per FSSA
50278. Current flows in a circuit when
50279. The minimum resistance value for a blue, gray, red, silver resistor is
50280. The maximum resistance value for a brown, red, yellow, gold resistor is
50281. ----------salt of methylene blue is used in MBRT
50282. The amount of water vaporized per unit are of surface in a 4-effect evaporator is approximately ----------of that in single effect
50283. In an efficient moder pasteurization plant,maximum refrigeration efficiency is ------
50284. Maxilact used for accelerated cheese ripening is a -----------enzyme
50285. A prion is responsible for
50286. Refer to the given figure. This circuit is known as a ________ filter, and the fc is ________.
50287. The bandwidth in a ________ filter equals the critical frequency.
50288. Filters with the ________ characteristic are used for filtering pulse waveforms.
50289. Refer to the given figure. The roll-off of this filter is about
50290. Refer to the given figure. The roll-off of the circuit shown is about
50291. Refer to this figure. This is a ________ filter.
50292. Which filter exhibits a linear phase characteristic?
50293. Refer to the given figure. The cutoff frequency of this filter is ________, and the circuit is known as a ________.
50294. The critical frequency is defined as the point at which the response drops ________ from the passband.
50295. Filters with the ________ characteristic provide a very flat amplitude in the passband and a roll-off rate of –20 dB/decade/pole.
50296. Which filter exhibits the most rapid roll-off rate?
50297. Which filter has a maximally flat response?
50298. Identify the frequency response curve for a high-pass filter.
50299. Identify the frequency response curve for a low-pass filter.
50300. Refer to the given figure. This is a ________ filter.
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