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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1057
52851. The Hall voltage is the voltage created by a conductor moving through a magnetic field.
52852. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row in MS Excel?
52853. The ability of a material to maintain a magnetized state (without the presence of a magnetizing force) is called hysteresis.
52854. Which of the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell in MS Excel?
52855. Ferromagnetic materials have pre-existing magnetic fields.
52856. In Ms Excel,you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called?
52857. The unit of magnetic flux is the weber.
52858. Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package?
52859. A voltage is induced across a conductor if it remains absolutely stationary within a magnetic field.
52860. What is motion path in MS Power Point?
When the south poles of two bar magnets are brought close together, there will be a force of attraction.
52862. Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have same look?
A magnetic field is produced around a current-carrying conductor.
52864. In MS Power Point,what is a trigger?
52865. A magnetic material such as iron can change the course of magnetic lines of force.
52866. In MS Power Point the special effects used to Introduce slides in a presentation are called:
52867. The induced emf of a conductor cutting flux lines is directly proportional to the rate of cutting.
52868. The number of times a monitor scans the entire screen each second is called:
52869. The magnetic field, current through the Hall element, and Hall voltage are all at right angles to each other.
52870. In magnetic disk reading and writing is performed by:
52871. The operation of an electrical generator relies on electromagnetic induction.
52872. The study of creating an efficient,comfortable and healthy work place while working with a computer is called:
When the current through a coil reverses direction, the magnetic field around the coil _____.
52874. Which of the following devices can be used to read cheques in banks?
52875. The flux density is ___ when the magnetic flux is 9 µWb and the cross-sectional area of the magnetic field is 5 × 10–3 m2.
52876. What is the attribute fortag in html?
52877. After the magnetizing force has been removed, the ratio of the remaining magnetic flux to the saturated magnetic flux is called _____________.
52878. Which of the following tags below are used for a multi-line text input control?
52879. You can determine the direction of the lines of force surrounding a conductor by using _____.
52880. What is cell padding in HTML?
52881. A group of force lines going from the north pole to the south pole of a magnet is called the magnetic ___.
52882. For frames in HTML,how do you specify the rest of the screen?
52883. The induced voltage across a stationary conductor in a stationary magnetic field ___.
52884. What is a Firewall in Computer Network?
52885. When the speed at which a conductor is moved through a magnetic field is increased, the induced voltage will _____.
52886. DNS is the abbreviation of:
52887. ___ is the ability of a material to remain magnetized after removal of the magnetizing force.
52888. What is the meaning of Bandwidth in Network?
52889. Ferromagnetic materials have minute magnetic ___ created within their atomic structure by the orbital motion and spin of electrons.
52890. Whcih command in Ms Dos divides the surface of the blank disk into sectors and assigns unique address to each one?
52891. The ___ is an electromagnetic device that contains a coil rotating on a jeweled bearing mount.
52892. Which command in MS Dos displays all the files having the same name but different extensions?
The movable part in a relay is the _____.
52894. Which command in MS Dos creates a directory subdirectory?
52895. Permeability is the inverse equivalent of which electrical term?
52896. Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?
52897. Which electromagnetic device uses brushes and a commutator?
52898. Which of the following circuit is used as a memory device’ in computers?
52899. What is the flux density of a magnetic field whose flux is 3000 µWb and cross-sectional area is 0.25 m2?
52900. The topology with highest reliability is:
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