56301. If the carrier of a 100 percent modulated AM wave is suppressed, the percentage power saving will be
56302. The characteristics of H and V sync pulses in a colour TV receiver are H sync, pulses are narrow and have frequency of 15625 HzV sync, pulses are much wider and have frequency of 50 HzH and V pulses have almost the same size but frequencies of 15625 and 50 Hz respectivelyV sync, pulses are very narrow but H sync, pulses are wide and their frequencies are 15625 Hz and 50 Hz respectively Which of the above are correct?
56303. Bandwidth for practical PCM system is (where n is no. of channels, N length of PCM codes)
56304. Circuit switching, Message switching and Packet Switching Network belong to which of the following systems?
56305. The Shannon-Hartley law
56306. In radar PRF depends on maximum range.
56307. A frequency doubler has an FM signal input at 13 MHz with a deviation of 5 kHz. The output frequency of the carrier will be
56308. If fh(t) is Hilbert transform of f(t), then Hilbert transform of fh(t) is
56309. Maximum undistorted power output of a transmitter is obtained when its modulation is __________ percent.
56310. Which one of the following is not necessarily an advantage of the phase cancellation method of obtaining SSB over the filter method?
56311. Pulse modulation is used in
56312. In an amplitude modulated waveform, the amplitude of the sideband is
56313. In communication systems the frequency range used for voice is
56314. In a radio receiver with simple AGC
56315. A receiver has poor selectivity. It will also have poor
56316. The depth of modulation is doubled in FM system then, the power transmitted
56317. Ground wave can be used for communication upto
56318. A Marconi antenna
56319. When large amount of power is required, a push pull amplifier is designed for operation as
56320. In a Vidicon camera tube,
56321. The distance at which a sky wave is received back on earth decreases with angle of incidence for all angles of incidence.
56322. A trigonometric function is synonyms to
56323. All the three Round Table Conferences were held in?
56324. The autocorrelation function of the white noise is
56325. Why does a FM radio station perform better than and AM station radiating the same actual power?
56326. In cable TV local programmes can be telecast at any frequency.
56327. In amplitude modulation, the magnitude of side bands is
56328. If fs be the signal frequency and fi be the intermediate frequency then image frequency is given by
56329. In VHS format the width of tape is
56330. Who wrote Viswadarshanam?
56331. In FM,
56332. The power density spectrum of noise voltage of resistor R can be expressed as
56333. If k denotes Boltzmann's constant, the rms value of thermal noise voltage is proportional to
56334. The output of a battery eliminator is about
56335. The sampling frequency in CD is 10 kHz.
56336. Vestigial sideband is most commonly used in
56337. An image uses 512 x 512 picture elements. Each element can take any of eight distinguishable levels. The maximum entropy in the above image will be
56338. The subcarrier frequency for transmission of colour difference signals in TV systems in India is
56339. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking due to its
56340. In filter system of sideband suppression the advantage of using mechanical filter is
56341. Costa's receiver is used for
56342. What is typical bandwidths of a 2-wire telephone line?
56343. Positive ‘Terry Thomas’sign is seen in
56344. Modulation index of a AM wave is measured using oscilloscope. The display on the CRO is as shown in figure it can be concluded that
56345. TV receivers use flyback switched mode power supply because
56346. SSB stands for
56347. Assertion (A): In SSB, carrier is suppressed by about 45 dB Reason (R): SSB is standard form for radio communication
56348. For a parallel two wire line with both conductors touching each other, the characteristic impedance is about
56349. Tape recorders use
56350. If f is frequency and d is distance, path attenuation a between isotropic antennas is given by