60801. Match the following: List I (Microwave device) List II (Application)A.PIN diode1.Microwave amplificationB.GaAs MOSFET2.Low noise microwave generationC.Transferred electron device3.Electronic tuning of MW oscillatorD.Varactor diode4.Light wave detection
60802. Match the following: List I List II A.Silicon1.Donor ImpurityB.Antimony2.Acceptor ImpurityC.Gallium3.Most Commonly used semiconductor materialD.Germanium4.Atomic number 32
60803. Match the following: List I List II A.Evanescent wave1.Pattern multiplicationB.Skip distance2.Mismatched transmission lineC.Return loss3.Propagation in lossy mediumD.Antenna array4.Short wave propagation 5.Propagation below cut-off
60804. Match the following: List I List II A.GTO1.Widely used in digital computersB.UJT2.Used for freewheelingC.Power Diode3.Can be turned off by negative gate signalD.MOSFET4.Used in generating triggering pulses
60805. Match the following: List I (Double Rectifier) List II (Number of Diodes) A.Full wave Bridge rectifier1.1B.Half wave rectifier2.2C.Full wave rectifier using centre tapped transformer3.4
60806. Match the following: List I (Binary) List II (Hexadecimal) A.101010101.FFB.111111112.88C.100010003.92D.100100104.AA
60807. Match the following: List I List II A.PMMC1.Square law type scaleB.Moving iron2.Very good responseC.Thermo-couple3.Linear scaleD.Electrostatic4.Voltmeter
60808. Match the following: List I (Properties) List II (Relations) A.Linear but NOT time-invariant1.y(t) = t2x(t)B.Time-invariant but NOT linear2.y(t) = t |x(t)|C.Linear and time invariant3.y(t) = |x(t)| 4.y(t) = x(t - 5)
60809. Match the following: List I (Microwave device) List II (Application) A.Reflex Klystron1.Wideband amplificationB.TWT2.Very low power amplificationC.Cavity Klystron3.Low power FM generationD.Maser4.Frequency multiplication
60810. Match the following: List I List II A.Darlington amplifier1.A circuit using pnp and npn transistorsB.CB amplifier2.A CS amplifier driving a CG amplifierC.Cascade amplifier3.A circuit with over-all voltage gain close to 1 and very large input impedanceD.Complementary symmetry amplifier4.A circuit with low input impedance
60811. Match the following: List I (BJT amplifier) List II (Characteristics) A.CE1.good voltage gain, good current gainB.CC2.voltage gain less than 1, high current gainC.CB3.current gain less than 1, voltage gain high
60812. Match the following: List I List II A.LED1.Heavy DopingB.Avalanche Photodiode2.Coherent RadiationC.Tunnel diode3.Spontaneous EmissionD.LASER4.Current gain
60813. Match the following: List I List II A.Detection of a periodic signal in noise1.Increase in bandwidthB.Recovery of a band limited signal from its uniformly sampled values2.Slope overload errorC.Finer quantization of signal3.Nyquist rateD.Delta modulation4.Cross correlation
60814. Match the following: List I List II A.200 MHz1.SHFB.20 GHz2.UHFC.500 kHz3.VHFD.500 MHz4.MF
60815. Match the following: List I List II A.(∇ x E )ds = 01.Continuity equationB.r v.dv = Q2.Ampere's lawC.(J + D )ds 3.Gauss lawD.-r vdv4.Faraday's lawE.H .dl = (∇ x H )ds 5.Stoke's theorem
60816. Match the following: List I (Antenna) List II (Communication system) A.Turnstile1.RadarB.Yagi2.TV transmissionC.Dish3.MW broadcastingD.Vertical mast4.TV reception
60817. Match the following: List I (Logic family) List II (Characteristic) A.TTL1.Maximum power consumptionB.ECL2.Highest packing densityC.NMOS3.Least power consumptionD.CMOS4.Saturated Logic
60818. Match the following: List I (VCR system) List II (Azimuth angle)A.VHS1.7°B.Video 20002.15°C.Betamax3.6°
60819. Match the following: List I (Application of circuit) List II (Circuit Name)A.Divider1.Astable multivibratorB.Clips input voltage at two predetermined levels2.Schmitt triggerC.Square wave generator3.Bistable multivibratorD.Narrow current pulse generator
60820. Match the following: List I List II A.Step up chopper1.B.Class E chopper2.C.Class D chopper3.D.Class B chopper4.
List I (Theorems) List II (Property of Network) A.h111.1/(re + rd)B.h122.rb + reC.h213.μbcD.h224.μcb
60822. Match the following: List I List II A.Anderson Bridge1.Low resistanceB.Kelvin Bridge2.Medium resistanceC.Schering Bridge3.InductanceD.Wheatstone Bridge4.Capacitance
60823. Match the following: List I List II A.Television1.Either AM or FM usedB.Radio2.Both AM and FM are usedC.Radar3.PCM is usedD.Data Communication4.Digital system
60824. Match the following: List I (Types of N-bit ADC) List II (Characteristics)A.Flash converter1.Integrating TypeB.Successive2.Fastest converter approximationC.Counter ramp3.Maximum conversion time = N bitsD.Dual slow4.Used a DAC in its feedback path
60825. Match the following: List I List II A.Mu Metal1.very high magnetic permeabilityB.Samrium/cobalt2.very high magnetic remanenceC.Sapphire3.very high thermal conductivityD.Ferrites4.very stable magnetic permeability
60826. Match the following: List I List II A.Conductor1.B.Semiconductor2.C.Insulator3.
60827. Match the following: List I (Octal) List II (Hexadecimal)A.661.3 FB.772.36C.553.27D.474.3D
60828. Match the following: List I (Characteristic equation) List II (Degree of damping)A.s2 + 15s + 56.251.UndampedB.s2 + 5s + 62.UnderdampedC.s2 + 20.253.Critically dampedD.s2 + 4.55s + 42.254.Overdamped
60829. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called?
60830. Match the following: List I List II A.e-t ⋃ (t)1.B.2.jω X(ω)C.3.D.4.
60831. Match the following: List I (Symbol in Java comparison operator) List II (Meaning) A.= =1.Greater than or equal toB.! =2.EqualC.> =3.Not equal
60832. Match the following: List I List II A.451.10110100B.902.11010010C.1803.01011010D.2104.00101101 5.10101000
60833. Match the following: List I List II A.Very low response at very high frequencies1.Low-pass systemB.Over shoot2.Velocity dampingC.Synchro-control transformer output3.Natural frequency 4.Phase-sensitive modulation 5.Damping ratio
60834. Match the following: List I List II A.Ternary1.0, 1, 3B.Quaternary2.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, A, BC.Quinary3.0, 1, 2, 3, 4D.Duodecimal4.0, 1, 2
60835. Match the following: List I List II A.CLP1.Measure of μP clock speedB.SHELL2.Double sided double densityC.DSDD3.Allows you to specify file as command processorD.Megahertz4.Microcode stored in ROM
60836. Match the following: List I (Operator) List II (Description) A.? :1.ModulusB.[ ]2.Array expressionC.%3.Conditional
60837. Match the following: List I List II A.1.CirclesB.2.Straight linesC.3.HyperbolasD.
60838. Match the following: List I List II A.Title bar1.Window menuB.Control menu box2.First row of windowC.start-button3.box in title barD.Control4.Button on mouse
60839. Match the following: List I List II A.Interface1.A measure of rate of data transmissionB.A bit2.A binary digitC.Band speed3.The common boundary between various sections and subsections 4.A/D converter
List I List II A.1.PID controllerB.2.Lead compensator 3.Lag compensator
List I (Branches) List II A.1, 2, 3, 41.TwigsB.4, 5, 6, 72.LinksC.1, 2, 3, 83.Fundamental cutsetD.1, 4, 5, 6, 74.Fundamental loop
60842. Match the following: List I (Instruction) List II (Flag's getting affected)A.ORI1.CY resetB.DAA2.CY reset and AC resetC.PCHIL3.S, Z, AC, P, CY flags affected 4.S, S, P are modified 5.No flags affected
60843. Match the following: List I (Functional headings of instruction set of 8085) List II (Functions performed)A.Branch group1.Compares, rotates etc.B.Logic group2.Moves, loads, stores etc.C.Data transfer group3.Initiates conditional or unconditional jumps, calls etc.
60844. Match the following: List I List II A.Former1.Produces deflecting torqueB.Coil2.Provides base for coilC.Core3.Makes the magnetic field radialD.Spring4.Provides controlling torque
60845. Match the following: List I List II A.JFET1.B.DMOSFET2.C.TRIAC3.D.Enhancement-only channel MOSFET4.
60846. Match the following: List I List II A.Bode1.Asymptotic plotsB.Evans2.Polar plotsC.Nyquist3.Root locus technique 4.M and N circles
60847. Match the following: List I (Transducer) List II (Quantity measured) A.LVDT1.PressureB.Bourden gauge2.TemperatureC.Strain gauge3.DisplacementD.Thermistor4.Stress
60848. Match the following: List I List II A.Electro-encephalograph1.Diagnostic tool for heart ailmentB.Electro-cardiograph2.Diagnostic tool for brain ailmentC.Sphygmomanometer3.used for measuring BPD.Stethoscope4.used to heart pulse/ heart beat
60849. Match the following: List I (Electron spin) List II (Phenomenon) A.↑↑↑↑1.AntiferromagnetismB.↑↓↑↓2.FerrimagnetismC.↑↓↑↓3.Ferromagnetism
60850. Match the following: List I List II A.Coastals receiver1.VSBB.Stereo-multiplexing2.Demodulating DSB-SCC.TV broad casting3.FM radio broad casting 4.Slope overload 5.Matched filter