79401. This type of axonometric drawing has equal foreshortening along two axis directions and a different amount on the third axis:
79402. When the drafter types the word BLOCK or selects the Make Block tool from the Draw tool bar the ________ will appear.
79403. When creating a block the drafter needs to pay particular attention to selecting a base point because it determines the ________.
79404. When using versions of AutoCAD prior to Release 2006 it may be necessary to ________ a block in order to edit it.
79405. Some common blocks used by architectural drafters include ________.
79406. Inserting blocks into a drawing file usually requires exacting placement. The drafter should insure that ________ is turned on.
79407. The drafter can either type the word block or select the Make Block tool in the Draw tool bar to create a block.
79408. When creating a block consideration should be given to the base point because it directly relates to the insertion point.
79409. When creating a block the drafter should carefully draw it in the 0 layer.
79410. The Insert Block tool is inside the Modify tool set.
79411. In AutoCAD a block is a symbol or object that can be inserted into a drawing.
79412. When inserting a block into a drawing the drafter can easily change the scale to match a particular scale factor for the drawing.
79413. Blocks containing tags or labels of data are called Data Blocks.
79414. AutoCAD will allow the drafter to insert an entire drawing as a block.
79415. A group of blocks stored in a drawing file is commonly referred to as a block library.
79416. Exploding a block will allow the drafter to edit a block.
79417. An AutoCAD term that refers to a pre-drawn object which is stored in a drawing file and can be inserted into any other drawing file as needed is a ________.
79418. Most architectural firms and mechanical design companies utilize different categories of blocks. These sets of blocks are usually housed in ________.
79419. In some circumstances an entire drawing can be inserted into a different drawing as a block. When this is used the base point will default to ________.
79420. When creating your own blocks it is important to avoid drawing any portion of the block in the ________ layer.
79421. Newer versions of AutoCAD utilize the ________ to make block library management very easy.
79422. In order to set drawing limits for a "C" size architectural drawing the drafter should set the limits to ________.
79423. One quick way to view the entire drawing area is to use the Zoom command by typing ________.
79424. When setting up a mechanical drawing in AutoCAD the drafter should set the units to ________.
79425. When drawing a line using the relative coordinate system a line is created from ________.
79426. If you use the absolute coordinate system to create a line from a starting point of 0, 0 8 units on the X axis and 5 units on the Y axis you enter ________ for the second point.
79427. The version of AutoCAD being used can be checked by reading top blue line or title bar located above the pull down menu bar.
79428. When beginning a new drawing in AutoCAD the default start-up layer will be the Defpoints layer.
79429. In order to create a straight line in the AutoCAD graphics window the drafter is expected to pick a starting point and ending point.
79430. One very important tool to learn is the undo tool. It is located on the Standard Tool Bar
79431. The line tool icon is located on the Modify Tool Bar.
79432. It is very important to learn the relationship between line types, colors, and layers.
79433. AutoCAD is often referred to as the international standard by which all other CAD programs are measured.
79434. UCS stands for User Coordinate System.
79435. The two principle components of a CAD system are the computer and the software used to create technical drawings.
79436. You cannot use the Offset Tool to enlarge the size of a circle.
79437. Using the Relative Polar Coordinate System to add a 3 inch line that is 45 degrees from the end point of the line created above the drafter would ________.
79438. A line with a tapering width can be easily created by using the ________ tool.
79439. Understanding the Cartesian coordinate system will help the beginning drafter ________.
79440. The UCS icon represents the intersection of the ________.
79441. When using the direct entry method to create a horizontal line exactly three inches long the drafter should ________ first.
79442. One way to evenly space dimensions on a drawing is to use the ________.
79443. The ________ tool on the Dimension tool bar will place several dimensions at one time by using a selection box placed over several part features.
79444. A circular arc is dimensioned in the view where you see its true shape by giving the value for its:
79445. This is the total amount that the feature on the actual part is allowed to vary from what is specified by the dimension:
79446. The ________ dimension tool will place the length of an angled line.
79447. Placement of dimensions on a drawing is controlled by ________.
79448. Baseline dimensions are referenced from a common geometric feature known as a ________.
79449. Given a situation in which the drafter has crossed extension lines in a drawing what can be done to clean up the point of crossing?
79450. This is a thin solid line directing attention to a note or dimension and starting with an arrowhead or dot: