99151. Which of the following laws have been repealed by the Constitution of India 1.The Government of India Act 1935 2.The Indian Independence Act 1947 3.The abolition of privy council jurisdiction act 1949 4.The Preventive detention act 1950 Select the correct answer using the codes below
99152. Which of the following statements about the formatin of Constituent assembly is correct? 1.The members of the Constituent Assembly were chosen on the basis of provincial elections of 1946 2.Constituent Assembly did not include representatives of princely states 3.The discussions in the Constituent Assembly were not influenced by opinions expressed by the public 4.In order to create a sense of collective participation,submissions were solicited from the public Select the correct answer using the codes below
99153. Which of the fundamental rights are available to non-citizens? 1.Equality before law 2.Right against discrimination 3.Equality of opportunity 4.Protection of life and personal liberty Select the correct answer using codes
99154. Freedom of conscience under the Constitution of India is subject to 1.public order,morality and health. 2.a law providing for social welfare and reform 3.opening of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all Hindus 4.defamation or incitement to an offence Select the correct answer using the codes below
99155. The protection against arrest and detention under Article 22 of the Constitution is not available to 1.enemy alien 2.a person detained under preventive detention law 3.a foreigner 4.an overseas citizen of India Select the correct answer using the codes below
99156. Which of the following provisions with regard to citizenship provisions of the Constitution is correct? 1.No person shall be a citizen of India by virtue of Article 5,or be deemed to be a citizen of India by virtue of Article 6 or Article 8,if she has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of any foreign state 2.The Parliament has power to make any provisions with respect to the acquisition and termination of citizenship and all other matters relating to citizenship Select the correct answer using the codes below
99157. Which one of the following statements about the process of Parliament to make new states is not correct?
99158. The Constitution of India guarantees freedom of speech and expression to all citizens subject to 1.implementation of directive principles 2.Fundamental Duties 3.Right to equality Select the correct answer using the codes below
99159. Which of the following is not a central tenet to the Constitution of India? 1.Prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion 2.Gives official status to certain religions 3.Provides freedom to profess any religion 4.Ensures equality of all citizens within the religious communities Select the correct answer using the codes below
99160. Which one of the following is not the central feature of Article 343 of Constitution of India? 1.Hindi of Devnagri script shall be national language of the Union 2.The official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devnagri script 3.English language shall continue to be used for official purposes within States 4.If two or more states agree,Hindi should be the official language of communication between the states Select the correct answer using the codes below
99161. Consider the following statements :1. The Executive Power of the Union of India is vested in the Prime Minister.2. The Prime Minister is the ex officio Chairman of the Civil Services Board. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
99162. When a bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament, it has to be passed by
99163. Consider the following statements :1. The Rajya Sabha has no power either to reject or to amend a Money Bill.2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote the Demands for Grants.3. The Rajya Sabha cannot discuss the Annual Financial Statement. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
99164. There is a Parliamentary System of Government in India because the
99165. The ideal of Welfare State in the Indian Constitution is enshrined in its
99166. The fundamental object of Panchayati Raj system is to ensure which among the following? I. Peoples participation in development2. Political accountability3. Democratic decentralization4. Financial mobilization
99167. To uphold and protect the Sovereignty,Unity and Integrity of India is a provision made in the
99168. Consider the following statements :1. The Legislative Council of a State in India can be larger in size than half of the Legislative Assembly of that particular State.2. The Governor of a State nominates the Chairman of Legislative Council of that particular State.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
99169. Who/Which of the following is the custodian of the Constitution of India?
99170. With reference to the Union Government,consider the following statements1.The Department of Revenue isresponsible for the preparation ofUnion Budget that is presented to the Parliament2. No amount can be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India without the authorization from the Parliament of India.3. All the disbursements made from Public Account also need the authorization from the Parliament of India.
99171. The provisions in Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule in the Constitution of India are made in order to
99172. Consider the following statements regarding the Directive Principles of State Policy : 1.The Principles spell out the socioeconomic democracy in the country. 2. The provisions contained in these Principles are not enforceable by any court. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
99173. The administrative head of the State Government
99174. Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
99175. In which part of the Indian constitution, the concept of welfare state finds elaboration?
99176. Through which Amendment of the Constituion reservation was granted to women in Panchayati Raj Institutions?
99177. Which body has the power to grant recognition to political parties?
99178. Who has the power to suspend the Fundamental Rights of citizens?
99179. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for preparing the Indian Constitution?
99180. Who is normally the chancellor of the State Universities?
99181. The Election Commission of India is:
99182. The meetings of the Rajya Sabha are presided over by the:
99183. ഗുരുവായൂർ സത്യാഗ്രഹ കമ്മിറ്റിയുടെ പ്രസിഡന്റ്? [Guruvaayoor sathyaagraha kammittiyude prasidanr?]
99184. Governor of a state are appointed by
99185. General elections are held in India every
99186. The head of the Indian Government is
99187. In first Lok Sabha, how many seats were .........
99188. What was the name of india's first Legislature ?
99189. The most significant Act which declared that the sovereignty of the British Empire in India was in the hands of the British Crown was .............
99190. Which one of the following is correct with to all theorists of social contact ?
99191. Right to vote is mentioned in the part of the constitution relating to ............
99192. The preamble of the Indian Constitution was for the first time amended by the ...........
99193. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, it is the duty of the Union Government to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance?
99194. Which of the following is correct for the Hindu Succession Amendment Bill 2004 which the Parliaments has passed in 2005?
99195. Total number of seats in Lok Sabha
99196. The number of Schedule in Indian Constitution
99197. Which of the following is not correct for Money Bill?
99198. The words Socialist, Secular, and Integrity were added in the Constitution by:
99199. How many members are chosen for Rajya Sabha by the President of India for their expertise in specific fields of art literature, science and social services?
99200. The original constitution of 1950 envisaged a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and 7 other Judges. As the work of the Court increasedand arrears of cases began to cumulate, Parliament increased the number of Judges several times since 1950. What is the total number of judges in Supreme Court?