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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2012
100601. . is maintained by an Indian bank in the foreign countries
100602. We can transfer through NEFT
100603. Minimum limit of RTGS is
100604. Which of the following is used to control inflation and propel growth ?
100605. Reverse Repo rate is always . less than the Repo Rate
100606. SDR(Special Drawing Rights) are new form of International reserve assests, created by .. in 1967
100607. Once the borrower has failed to make interest or principle payment for .. days the loan is considered to be a non-performing assest
100608. . is the rate at which central bank of the country allows finance to commercial banks
100609. In a budget statement there is a mention of types of deficit
100610. Expand NEAT
100611. BSE is the oldest Stock exchange in India, founded in ..
100612. is the biggest Mutual Fund Institution of India
100613. The Two parts of Indian Financial System were
100614. Navaratna’ is a company which is rising at level
100615. Who was the first chairman of Disinvestment Commission ?
100616. The new economic policy was devised and implemented for the first time in which year ?
100617. The Integrated Rural Development Programme is financially assisted by the Centre and State in the ratio of ..
100618. The concept of economic planning is derived from which of the following countries ?
100619. High level committee on Direct Tax matters headed by
100620. The Father of Operation Flood was .
100621. To increase the pace of .. , the Operation Flood was started
100622. Minimum Support Price(MSP) is decided by the .
100623. is the mainstay of the Indian Economy
100624. Co-operative Credit Organization started first time in ..
100625. . was the first plan which didn’t fix targets of crop production
100626. The green revolution was confined only to
100627. Agricutural production can be divided into parts
100628. Agriculture with its allied activities accounts for of our national income in Previous methodology
100629. .. is the market for medium term and long term funds
100630. The Indian Money market is the market in which funds are borrowed and lent
100631. Usually, the Indian money market is classified into .. sector and .. sector
100632. .. is divided in current account and capital account
100633. Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana is funded on basis between Centre and State
100634. The Slogan for the PMJDY mission is
100635. Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts can be closed after completion of
100636. Bharat Nirman Yojana is related to .
100637. LPG model of development emphasises a bigger role for the private sector. LPG stands for
100638. The LPG model of development was introduced in by Dr. Manmohan Singh
100639. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD) establishment is based on the recommendations of
100640. Authorized share Capital of NABARD was .
100641. In which year National Agriculture Insurance Scheme was implemented ?
100642. NABARD was established in .
100643. NABARD is the apex institution of
100644. State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks provide credit for ..
100645. Primary Co-operative committees provide credit for ..
100646. Land Development Programme was established in the year
100647. The data of estimation of India’s National Income are issued by ..
100648. MAT stands for
100649. The held for trading securities are required to be sold within
100650. Nationalization of banks took place in ..phase
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