104501. (A) The city observed lowest temperature of the last decade accompanied by heavyfog during the week.(B) Most of the flights from the city were indefinitely delayed causing panic among thepassengers.
104502. (A) Parents in the locality decided to stop sending their children to school byprivatevehicles.(B) A major accident of a private van carrying school children lead to deaths of few andinjuries for many children.
104503. Statement : Large number of college students are found to be focusing more onfashion than on studies. Courses of action :I. Colleges should impose restrictions on use of fashionable clothes and accessories.II. Colleges should keep the students busy enough with studies, so that they dont findtime for other things like fashion.
104504. Statement : Increasing levels of air-pollution is creating healthhazards for peopleliving in the cities.Courses of action :I. All industries should be shifted to the outskirts of the cities.II. Transport Authorities should take steps for converting all public transport vehicles torun on CNG.
104505. Statement : Launching of new brands of four wheelers is adding to the trafficcongestion in the metro cities.Courses of action :I. Public should be encouraged to share their private vehicles while travelling to theirwork places.II. Govt. should levy heavy taxes on motor cars in metro cities.
104506. Statement : Despite good economic progress of the country, significant number ofundernourished children has been observed in the rural parts of the country.Courses of action :I. Government should increase Wealth Tax/Income Tax and use that money forupliftment of the deprived class.II. Govt. should introduce schemes like free meals in primary schools and make primaryeducation compulsory.
104507. Statement : Cases of road accidents are increasing constantly, particularly in theurban areas.Courses of action :I. Transport Authorities in the urban areas should impose stringent norms formaintenance of vehicles.II. Traffic police should severely punish those found to be violating traffic rules.
104508. Who is the Doctor ?
104509. Which of the following persons work in Jaipur ?
104510. Which of the following combinations of profession and place is correct ?
104511. Who is the professor ?
104512. What is Ds profession ?
104513. 24 7 81x 27 19If x is the resultant of the first row, what is the resultant of the second row ?
104514. 84 14 13360 24 17What the difference between the resultant of the first row and the second row ?
104515. 125 64 33282 x 39If x is resultant of the first row, what is the resultant of the second row ?
104516. 97 45 7148 8 11What is the sum of the resultants of the two rows ?
104517. 16 7 25 m 23 22 If m is the resultant of the first row, what the resultant of the second row ?
104518. Who is to the immediate left of Savita ?
104519. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of Nisha ?
104520. Which of the following is the correct position of Rani ?
104521. Who is to the immediate right of Nisha ?
104522. Who is second to the left of Anjali ?
104523. Statements :Some rocks are hills.All hills are mountains.All mountains are rivers.No river is Canal. Conclusions :I. All rocks are rivers.II. Some hills are canals.III. Some rivers are canals.
104524. Statements :All chairs are tables.All tables are telephones.All telephones are cell phones.No cell phone is computer. Conclusions :I. All cell phones are tables.II. Some chairs are computers.III. No chair is computer.
104525. Statements :Some pearls are gems.Some gems are diamonds.All diamonds are rings.All rings are bangles. Conclusions : I. Some bangles are rings.II. All rings are diamonds.III. All diamonds are bangles.
104526. Statements :Some fruits are flowers.Some flowers are buds.No bud is leaf.All leaves are plants.Conclusions :I. No plant is bud.II. Some plants are flowers.III. Some buds are fruits.
104527. Statements :Some shoes are socks.All socks are towels.All towels are bedsheets.No bedsheet is blanket. Conclusions :I. No towel is blanket.II. Some shoes are towels.III. Some shoes are bedsheets.
104528. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following series based on theabove arrangement ? A # D $K1 3FE ?
104529. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which isimmediately followed by a symbol and also immediately preceded by a consonant ?
104530. Which of the following pairs of elements does not have the second element,immediately followed by the first element ?
104531. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their positions inthe above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to thegroup ?
104532. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which isimmediately preceded by a vowel and also immediately followed by a number ?
104533. In a certain code open the door is written as ka te jo door is closed is written as jopa ma and this is good is written as la ra pa. What is the code for closed ?
104534. Pointing to a photograph Rasika said He is the grandson of my grandmothers onlyson. How is the boy in photograph related to Rasika ?
104535. How many meaningful English words can be made from the letters EOPR, using eachletter only once ?
104536. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word EXPERIMENT each of whichhave as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet ?
104537. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is theone that does not belong to the group ?
104538. X, Y എന്നിവ രണ്ടു പോസിറ്റീവ് സംഖ്യകളാണ്. X:Y=2:3 എങ്കില്, XY യുടെ വില എന്താകും? [X, y enniva randu positteevu samkhyakalaanu. X:y=2:3 enkilu, xy yude vila enthaakum?]
104539. I. There has been a considerable increase in the sale of fat free food articles.II. Now people have become more conscious about their health condition and foodhabits.
104540. I. Rain and thunder showers bashed the city during the past three days.II. Many people stayed indoor during the past three days.
104541. I. Many students of the local school have failed in English Language paper in theannual examination.II. Many students of the local school have failed in Mathematics paper in the annualexamination.
104542. I. The conditions of most of the national highways are very bad. II. Govt. has now sanctioned a huge amount of money to maintain the national highways.
104543. I. This year, the cut off percentage for admission to junior colleges have increasedover the last year.II. This year performance of students in Xth final exam was considerably higher than theprevious year.
104544. 36 15 312 3 nIf n is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104545. 28 49 15h 3 12If h is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104546. 24 15 3d 6 15 If d is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104547. 85 17 3516 19 r If r is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104548. 12 64 1720 m 16 If m is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104549. 15 8 21p 3 27 If p is the resultant of the first row, what will be the resultant of the second row ?
104550. In which of the following is the first person sitting in between the second and thethird person ?