104601. Which shopkeepers profit kept increasing continuously over the given months ?
104602. What is the percent increase in the profit of shopkeeper S in the month of December - 2009 over the previous month ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
104603. What is the respective ratio between the profit earned by shopkeeper U in the months February-2010 and March - 2010 together to that earned by shopkeeper Q in the same months ?
104604. What is the respective ratio of the number of girls enrolled in only Painting classes to the number of boys enrolled in the same ?
104605. Number of girls enrolled in only Dancing classes is what percent of the boys enrolled in the same? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
104606. What is the total number of students enrolled in all the three classes together ?
104607. Total number of girls enrolled in Singing is 'approximately' what percent of the total number of students in the school ?
104608. What is the total number of boys who are enrolled in Dancing ?
104609. What is the percentage increase in percent rise in profitof Company M in the year 2009 from the previous year?
104610. Which of the following statements is TRUE with respectto the above graph?
104611. What is the average percent rise in the profit of CompanyL over all the years together?
104612. If the profit earned by Company M in the year 2008 wasRs 3.63 lakh, what was the amount of profit earned by itin the year 2006?
104613. If the profit earned by Company L in the year 2005 wasRs 1.84 lakhs, what was the profit earned by the companyin the year 2006?
104614. The number of employees who got promoted from theHR department was what percent of the total number ofemployees working in that department? (rounded off totwo digits after decimal)
104615. The total number of employees who got promoted fromall the departments together was what percent of thetotal number of employees working in all the departmentstogether? (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
104616. How many females work in the Accounts department ?
104617. What is the total number of females working in theProduction and Marketing departments together?
104618. If half of the number of employees who got promotedfrom the IT department were males, what was theapproximate percentage of males who got promoted fromthe IT department?
104619. What is the average number of candidates appearing forthe entrance exam from State D in the years 2007, 2008and 2009 together?
104620. What is the total number of candidates clearing the entranceexam from States E and F together in the year 2006?
104621. What is the number of candidates not clearing theentrance exam from State A in the year 2007?
104622. In which year did the highest number of candidates clearthe entrance exam from State D?
104623. What is the respective ratio of the total number of candidates clearingthe entrance exam from State B in the year 2004 tothose clearing the entrance exam from State C in the sameyear?
104624. What is the difference(in Rs lakh) between the average salary and the lowest salary?
104625. Out of a total 550 students,how many students did not prefer Maths or Economics? Break-up of students having preference for each subject
104626. What is the percent rise inproduction in 2007 from 2006? (Round off two digits after decimal)
104627. What is the average female population in million?
104628. The area of the circle is 616 cm2. What is the area of the rectangle? ( or 'dot' or indicates centre of the circle the.)
104629. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls speaking both the languages?
104630. The number of girls speaking only Hindi is what percent of the total number of students speaking only Hindi?
104631. How many students speak English?
104632. How many girls speak only Hindi?
104633. How many boys speak Hindi?
104634. What is the ratio of the total number of candidates shortlisted for post V to that for post VI from all states together?
104635. Which state had the lowest percentage of candidates shortlisted with respect to candidate eligible for Post IV?
104636. The total number of candidates found eligible for Post I from all states together is approximately what percent of the total number of candidates found eligible for Post VI from all States together?
104637. What is the ratio of the total number of candidates shortlisted for all the posts together from State Eto that from state G?
104638. What is the overall percentage (rounded off to one digit after decimal) of candidates short listed over the total number of candidates eligible for Post I from all the States together?
104639. What is the average number of candidates (approximately) found eligible for Post 111 from all states?
104640. From State B. which post had the highest percentage of candidates short listed?
104641. If each of the companies A and Binvested Rs 25Iakh in 2010, what was the average profit earned by the two companies?
104642. If the investments of Company A in 2007 and 2008 were equal, what is the difference between the profits earned in the two years if the income in 2008 was Rs24 lakh?
104643. If the amount invested by Company B in 2004 isRsI2 lakh and the income of 2004 is equal to the investment in 2005, what is the amount of profit earned in 2005 by Company B?
104644. If the amount of profit earned by Company A in 2006 was Rs10.15 lakh, what was the total investment?
104645. Ifthe income of Company A in 2007 and that in 2008 were equal and the amount invested in 2007 was Rs12 lakh, what was the amount invested in 2008?
104646. If the total amount invested by the two companies in 2009 was Rs27 lakh, while the amount invested by Company B was 50% of the amount invested by Company A, what was the total profit earned by the two companies together?
104647. If the amount invested by the two companies in 2005 was equal, what was the ratio of the total income of the Company A to that of B in 2005?
104648. If the profit earned in 2006 by Company B was Rs8,12,500, what was the total income of the company in that year?
104649. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way andhence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the gorup?