106651. Statements : All hands are limbs. All limbs are fingers. Some fingers are thumbs. Conclusions : Some thumbs being limbs is a possibility. All hands are fingers.
106652. Statements : No meeting is an argument. All debates are arguments. Some debates are fights. Conclusions : No fight in a meeting. Some fights are meetings.
106653. If in the word EQUALITY, the positions of the first and the fifth letters are interchanged similarly the positions of the second and the sixth letters are interchanged and so on. Which letter will be third from the right end
106654. Statement : Company A has approached government with a proposal to build road and other infrastructure for providing transport facilities in area X. Which of the following could possibly lead the government to turn down the proposal forwarded by Company A
106655. Who amongst the following sits exactly between Z and T
106656. How many persons are seated between T and X
106657. If each of the persons is made to sit in alphabetical order from right to left, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating arrangement
106658. Which of the following pairs represents immediate neighbours of the persons seated at the two extreme ends of the line
106659. What is the code for capital in the given code language
106660. What does ro stand for in the given code language
106661. Which of the following possibly means crowded metro cities in the given code language
106662. What does ka stand for in the given code language
106663. What is the code for create in the given code language
106664. How many sons does P have P has three children of which B is a girl. C is the brother of B and A.
106665. Who is the youngest among A, B, C, D and E B is younger than C and D. A is younger than C but older than E.
106666. How is smoking written in a code language Thanks for not smoking is written as be je we no in that code language. No smoking area is written as no se do in that code language.
106667. How many dresses does P have P has two dresses less than what T has. M has seven dresses, which are thirty percent less than what T has.
106668. P,Q,R,S and T are sitting around a circle facing towards the centre of the circle. Who is to the immediate right of T R, Q and S are in the same respective sequence to the immediate left of T. P is between S and T.
106669. Pointing to a woman, Mr. Suresh said, she is the daughter of my grandfathers only daughter. How is Suresh related to the woman
106670. R is sister of M. M is brother of H. D is mother of K. K is brother of M. How is R related to D
106671. According to the given arrangement, which of the following combinations of pole and length is correct
106672. Which of the following poles is the third tallest
106673. In a class of 40 children, Sunetras rank is eighth from the top. Sujit is five ranks below Sunetra. What is Sujits rank from the bottom
106674. In a certain code, PARTICLE is written as USBQFMDJ and GENERATE is written as FOFHFUBS, how is DOCUMENT written in that code
106675. Statements : O P = T N FT Conclusions : I. F O II. N O
106676. Statements : R = Q I M = E I Z Conclusions : I. Q E II. M Z
106677. Statements : PERF E M R T Conclusion : I. T M II. F M
106678. Statements : V M= TX RTS Conclusions : I. RV II. SX
106679. How is J related to L
106680. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the given information.
106681. Who sits to the immediate right of Q
106682. How many people sit between N and K, when counted from the right of K
106683. Who amongst the following is the son of N
106684. Statements : IJKLMNKB=S Conclusions : I. IS II. JB
106685. Statements :IJKLMNKB=S Conclusions : I. NL II. L=N
106686. 92. Statements : JUN=KED Conclusions : I. EU II. DN
106687. Statements : PLAN=KSCA Conclusions : I. LK II. PS
106688. How is T related to K
106689. How is J related to R
106690. Which of the following companies does G like
106691. Which of the following represents the people who will attend a workshop in March and December respectively
106692. Which of the following represents the month in which F will attend a workshop
106693. As per the given arrangement, G is related to HTC and B is related to Nokia following a certain pattern, which of the following is D related to following the same pattern
106694. How many people will attend a workshop between the months in which G and D will attend a workshop
106695. If colour with canvas is coded as hv lb gy in the given code language, then what is the code for canvas of choice
106696. What is the code for paint in the given code language
106697. In the given code language, what does the code cu stand for
106698. what may be the possible code for gate crash in the given code language
106699. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of these does not belong to that group
106700. Which of the following statements is true regarding B