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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2140

107001. How many people in the given arrangement face outside ?

107002. which of the following is true regarding F as per the given seating arrangement?

107003. Statements : No magic is a trick. All charms are tricks. All hoaxes are charms. Conclusions : All hoaxes are tricks All tricks are charms.

107004. Statements : All watches are clocks. Some clocks are towers. All towers are poles. Conclusions : At least some poles are clocks. All towers being watches is a possibility.

107005. Statements : All bugs are worms. Some worms are moths. No moth is a fly. Conclusions : All worms are bugs No bug is a fly.

107006. Statements : No magic is a trick. All charms are tricks. All hoaxes are charms. Conclusions : No magic is a hoax. No charm is a magic.

107007. statements : Some stars are Planets. No planet is a moon. Conclusions : No star is a moon. Some stars are moons.

107008. Statements : All bugs are worms. Some worms are moths. No moth is a fly. Conclusions : No fly is a worm. All moths being bugs is a possibility

107009. Citizens can now . Of various government services by up simplified forms that may be compressed to a single-paper format.

107010. The cost prices of two tables are same. One is sold at a profit of 20% and the other for INR 335/- more than the first one. If the overall profit earned after selling the tables is 24%, what is the cost price of each table

107011. The cylinder of radius 8m and height 10m is melted down and all the metal is used to recast a new solid cylinder with radius 12m. What is the height of the new cylinder ?(in m)

107012. What is the difference between the total number of male faculty members in Universities B and D together and the total number of female faculty members in Universities A and C together

107013. What percentage of the total number of faculty members in Universities A and B together are male Associate Professors

107014. What is the respective ratio between the number of female professors in University B and that in University D

107015. The total number of Professors in Universities A and C together is approximately what percent less than the total number of Associate Professors in the same universities together

107016. What is the average number of Associate Professors in Universities C and D together

107017. The number of male Associate Professors in University A is what percent of the number of female Associate Professors in the same university

107018. What is the average number of girls studying in schools C, D and E

107019. What is the respective ratio between the number of students (boys and girls together) studying in school a and that in school C

107020. Number of boys studying in school E is what percent more than the number of boys studying in school A

107021. Number of students (boys and girls together) in standard V of school E is 20% less than those in standard X of the same school. How many students study in standard V in the same school

107022. The number of students (boys and girls together) studying in school B are what percent less than that in school D

107023. What is the difference between total number of boys studying in schools B and C together and the total number of girls in the same schools together

107024. How many ways are there in selecting 5 numbers from 6 males and 5 females, consisting 3 males and 2 females

107025. 63.5% of 8924.19+22% of 5324.42=?

107026. 4.8% of 550-3.2% of 750 =?

107027. 317.57615=?

107028. (8)0.75(4096)0.25(64)-1=(8)?

107029. P and Q can finish a work in 15 and 10 days respectively. Q starts the work and leaves it after 5 days. The number of days in which P can complete the work is :

107030. A bank offers 5% compound interest calculated on half-yearly basis. A customer deoposits INR 1600/- each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of a year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is how much

107031. 16 ,18, 28, 54, ? ,186

107032. 1.3, 3, 6.4, 11.5, 18.3

107033. 196 ,100, 52, 28, ? ,10

107034. 1.5, 2.5, 7, 24, 100

107035. 22, 19.7, 24.3, 17.4 ,? ,15.1

107036. 1, 2,6 ,21, ? ,445

107037. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 sec and 17 sec respectively and they cross each other in 23 sec. What is the ratio of their speeds

107038. There are two bags A and B, Bag A contain 6 red balls and 10 green balls and Bag B contains 4 red balls and 6 green balls. One bag is selected at random. From the selected bag one ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is red

107039. I. 2x2-15x+28=0 II. 2y2-21y+54=0

107040. I. 14x2-13x+3=0 II. 99y2-62y+8=0

107041. I. x2-10x+24=0 II. 3y2-19y+28=0

107042. I. x2-13x+40=0 II. y2-11y+28=0

107043. I. x2+5x+6=0 II. 2y2+7y+6=0

107044. In a certain code, STYLE is coded as UVZJC and BLUNT is coded as DNVLR. How is MOULD coded in that code

107045. Veena walked 5 m towards north, took a left turn and walked 7m. She took a left turn again and walked 8m before taking a left turn and walking 7 m. She then took a final left turn and walked 1 m before stopping. How far is Veena from the starting point

107046. The number of offenders travelling without a ticket decreased substantially this year in the small town of Yugnest. Frequent checks by specially deployed ticket checkers at the railway station this year was responsible for the drastic decrease, the controller of the only station in Yugnest. Which of the following statements does not weaken the station this year was responsible for the drastic decrease, the controller of the only station in Yugnest. Which of the following statements does not weaken the station controllers claim that frequent checks led to the decrease in the number of offenders

107047. Who among the following is sitting third to the right of N

107048. Which of the following statements is definitely true as per the given arrangement

107049. Which of the following pairs represents the two persons sitting at the extreme ends of the line

107050. While going to his office Tejveer meets Rakesh who is related to Tejveer because Tejveer is Deepaks father who is married to Garima. Garima is the daughter of Rakesh. Garima has a daughter named Disha. How is Tejveer related Garima has a daughter named Disha. How is Tejveer related to Disha

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