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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2139

106951. Statement : The X passenger car manufacturing company announced a sharp reduction in the prices of their luxury cars. Assumptions : There may be an increase in the sale of their luxury cars. The other such car manufactures may also reduce their prices.

106952. Statement : The Government has recently hiked the prices of diesel and petrol to reduce the oil pool deficit. Assumptions : The amount earned by this increase may be substantial enough to reduce the deficit. There may be wide spread protests against the price hike.

106953. Statements : Some lice are slates. All slates are apples. No apple is car. Conclusions : Some cars are slates Some lice are cars. Some apples are lice. No car is lice.

106954. Statements : Some films are clouds. All rats are clouds. Some clouds are chairs. Conclusions : No film is chair. Some rats are films. Some clouds are rats. Some chairs are rats.

106955. statements : No candle is bell. Some shoes are bells. All tables are shoes. Conclusions : Some tables are bells. No table is bell. Some shoes are candles. No shoe is candle.

106956. Statements : All gates are flowers. Some gates are fruits Some flowers are clips. Conclusions : Some flowers are fruits. Some clips are fruits. Some clips are gates. No flower is fruit.

106957. Statements : Some ice are rings. No ring is paint. Some rings are gold. Conclusions : No gold is paint. No ice is gold. Some rings are paints. All golds are rings.

106958. Manufacturing sector no longer depends on agricultural sector.

106959. Weak monsoon have adverse effect on GDP even though non-agricultural sector activities may continue to be the same.

106960. Non-industrial and non-agricultural sector activities have considerably grown over the past few years.

106961. The Industrialization process had undergone significant changes over the past few decades.

106962. Agro based activities constitute more than 2.5 percent of GDP in India.

106963. In a class of 42 children, Josephs rank is sixteenth from the top, Kevin is seven ranks below Joseph. What is Kevins rank from the bottom?

106964. In which of the following expressions will the expression PM be definitely true ?

106965. What will come in the place of the question mark (?), if it is provided that M is the grandmother of F in the expression ? FRS ? M

106966. Which of the following pairs of people represent first cousins with regard to the relations given in the expressions, if it is provided that A is the sister of J : LVJ+P and SAD+FE+K

106967. In which of the following expressions will the expression PF be definitely false ?

106968. Statement : Many shops in the local market have extended their shops and occupied most part of the footpath in front of their shops. Courses of action : The civic authority should immediately activate a task force to clear all the footpath encroached by the shop owners. The civic authority should charge hefty penalty to the shop owners for occupying the footpath. The civic authority should set up a monitoring system so that such encroachments do not recur in future.

106969. Statement : Many public sector undertaking have been making losses for the past few years and the situation is equally bad in the current year. Courses of action : These loss-making public sector companies should immediately be closed down. The government should scout for potential buyers in the private sector to sell these companies to get back part of the investments made by the Government. All the employees of these companies should be retrenched with adequate compensation and the fixed assets may be put up for sale.

106970. Statement : During the past few days more and more number of indoor patients of the local Government hospital are diagnosed to be suffering from malaria. Courses of action : All such patients who are suffering from malaria should immediately be discharged from the hospital. The hospital authority should immediately put a ban on admitting new patients into the hospital. All such patients who are suffering from malaria should be kept in an isolated ward.

106971. Statement : Every year during monsoon, the condition of most of the roads in the city deteriorates causing immense problem to the commuters. Courses of action : The civic body should include a heavy penalty clause while awarding future contacts for road repairs. The civic officials in charge of maintenance of city roads should be asked to explain why the condition of the roads worsens every year. General public should avoid taking their vehicles out during monsoon.

106972. Statement : There has been a continuous increase in the number of dropout students of Government-run primary schools in the state. Courses of action : Government should immediately set up a committee to review the situation and suggest measures to reverse the trend. Government should conduct orientation programs for parents of the students emphasizing on the need for educating their children. Government should close down such state-run primary schools where dropout rates are more than fifty percent.

106973. If all the people are asked to stand in an alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how many will remain unchanged ?

106974. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

106975. Who is standing second to the right of C ?

106976. Which of the following pairs represents the people standing at the extreme ends of the line ?

106977. What is the position of G with respect to E ?

106978. Which of the statements is true regarding K ?

106979. In which year was R born?

106980. Baby friendly hospital initiative was launched in the year:

106981. Who is the second eldest in the group ?

106982. Arun travels 8km towards the North, turns left and travels 3 km and then again turns right and covers another 4km and then turns right and travels another 3Km. How far is he from the starting point?

106983. A is the mother of D and sister of B. B has a daughter C who is married to F. G is the husband of A. How is G related to D ?

106984. Which of the following lives between R and U ?

106985. who among the following lives on floor No. 2 ?

106986. Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin?

106987. Who lives on the floor immediately above P ?

106988. How many people live between the floor on which S and R live ?

106989. Read the given information carefully and answer the given question : Charities do not have charge VAT to customers. Therefore, charity stores can charge lower prices as compared to the other stores, which are not registered as charity. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? Charity stores pay less tax than non-charity stores VAT leads to increment in prices of things. The stores recover their taxes from the customers Since charities do not charge VAT, their products are of lower quality

106990. Which of the following is the third last step of the arrangement based on the given input ?

106991. Which element is exactly between parenting and raising in the second step of the given arrangement?

106992. How many steps will be required to complete the given arrangement based on the given input ?

106993. Which element is fifth to the left of the element which is tenth from the left end of the third step.?

106994. What is the position of 72 from the right end in the fourth step ?

106995. In which step are the elements 95 job 16 and found in the same order ?

106996. This question consists of a statement and two conclusions numbered I and II are given below it. A conclusion is something which can be directly deduced from the given information in light of the given facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statement and select the appropriate answer. Statement : At present 10% of our villages receive 24 hours electricity in the next two years, the state government would strive to add 16% more villages to this list. At present 60% villages in the state have no access to electricity at all. Even after a couple of year, more than half of the villages lack access to 24 hours electricity.

106997. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

106998. Who sits to the immediate left of B?

106999. Who sits exactly between G and C when counted from the right of G ?

107000. What is Cs position with respect to A?

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