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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2235

111751. The word which means false reports that damage the reputation of a person:

111752. The closest meaning of the word benevolence is :

111753. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word immunity:

111754. Place an alphabet before the word love to get the meaning a spice:

111755. Find the word that is wrongly spelt:

111756. The book is not only interesting but also..

111757. QST # 110

111758. QST # 109

111759. QST # 108

111760. QST # 107

111761. QST # 106

111762. QST # 105

111763. QST # 104

111764. QST # 103

111765. QST #102

111766. QST #101

111767. Which of the following should be the LAST (SEVENTH) sentence after the rearrangement

111768. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement

111769. Which of the following alloy is used for the manufacture of heating elements?

111770. Coromandel Express runs between Chennai and .........?

111771. Most poisonous compount of Nitrogen?

111772. Foodies have realized that there is more to eating out than switch restaurants that has predictable menus and sterile decors.

111773. As a part of the new survey, if you says you are unhappy, the city police may call to ask you that reason.

111774. Birthmarks on the back could be signs of Tethered Spinal Cord Syndrome (TCS) a neurological disorder caused by tissue attachments.

111775. Hirakud hydroelectric project is in?

111776. If a droplets of water falls on hot glass, what happens?

111777. The Mathura school of art flourished during the reign of?

111778. Who was the author of the book Govardhanante Yatrakal?

111779. The communal award declared in 1932 by Ram­say Macdonald provided a separate electorate for the?

111780. Which of the following elements of Hinduism were practised in the Indus Valley Civilization?

111781. When was the first general election of Kerala Assembly held?

111782. Minto Morley Reforms aimed at?

111783. Natural uranium, coated with uranium-235 is known as?

111784. The famous book ‘The end of Imagination’ is written by?

111785. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?

111786. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?

111787. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?

111788. Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?

111789. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?

111790. .such an initiative was long overdue. India has been characterized as one of the most over regulated countries in the world. No central database of all laws and regulations exists in the country. I. The government was considering to prepare database. II. The government is considering to prepare a database of all laws and regulations. III. The government has considered to prepare a database.

111791. Roads are unsafe because of shortcomings in road and traffic engineer, old and non standard codes of traffic control devices, poor driver training and assessment, out dated legislations and a poor enforcement system. I. Road safety is not a poor enforcement system. II. Indian roads are unsafe not due to a single factor III. Road safety is a standalone phenomenon.

111792. ..So, Anti Corruption campaign occupied centre stage during election season. Corruption prevailing in the high and mighty adversely impacts our nation, and its global image. I. Corruption is a big evil in India II. Corruption is not a big evil in India as propagated III. Anti corruption is a big challenge in India

111793. ..It grew faster in year 2010. The conditions were favourable which helped in economic boom. The agriculture, tourism, export and mining helped in the growth of the economy. I. Indian economy is not growing well. II. The Indian economy grew fast at 10 percent in2008. III. Due to economic reforms, economic growth of India was 8 percent in 2009.

111794. It is so pleasant a profession that it is not surprising if a vast number of persons adopt it who have no qualifications for it. The writer is free to work in what he believes. I. I am a writer. II. I am a writer as I might have been a doctor or a lawyer. III. I was a writer as I might have been a doctor.

111795. Mind-boggling

111796. Jeopardize

111797. The United Nations Organisation was based on the principle of?

111798. contractual

111799. Which of the following should be a suitable title of the passage ?

111800. Despite the fact that the household savings have been gradually moving from physical assets to financial assets over the years. What percentage of household savings is wrapped in unproductive physical assets ?

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