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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2287

114351. Find the word that is rightly spelt?

114352. Either the pen or the paper ................ defective.

114353. If she were selected, she .............. a good secretary.

114354. The fear of high places ...............quite common.

114355. We have been trying to solve the problem.............

114356. No one could understand ................

114357. A philatelist collects ................

114358. The bus pass is ............... for a year.

114359. A non-conformist whose ideas or actions do not conform to others.

114360. A government by a few person is

114361. Select the correct position of adverb

114362. Candidates are directed to solve problem

114363. 'Sit down and tell me what is wrong with you' he said to her. Put into reported speech. He told her to sit down and .. . ...

114364. Scarcely had I reached the station ........... the train started.

114365. The bus stopped to .......... the passengers.

114366. I would rather you ............ a song.

114367. It is time the children ..............

114368. How often ............ ?

114369. He saw that .............

114370. I am sorry ...........

114371. You would come if needed help .................. ?

114372. If the Tsunami had been informed earlier

114373. He is on ........... night duty

114374. Many senior military officers ........... a part in the replacement of the government.

114375. Identify the complex sentence

114376. Indian team won the world cup in a ................. manner.

114377. He taught his children to be .............. of other religions.

114378. Donkey ............ .

114379. A stud of

114380. The antonym of 'Fictitious'

114381. Word nearest in meaning to 'Lucrative'

114382. Wrongly spelt word "is:

114383. I.....in western music

114384. I.......my uncle's house in those days

114385. When a person's jokes are indecent, we call them....

114386. When a person fallsfrom prosperity,he is in.....

114387. 'Invaluable' means

114388. The wrongly spelt word is......

114389. He eas so ill.......

114390. By the time we reached the station the train.......

114391. If you invited me I ......

114392. If a person is not benevolent you will call him............

114393. If your friend hates women you will call him a ........

114394. Maiden speech means....

114395. ........ is very largely responsible for our slow progress.

114396. We cannot publicly judge a case that is......

114397. If you want to telephone him, you will have to......the number in the telephone directory.

114398. His singing......admiration from the public.

114399. The Chief Minister as well as two other ministers....visiting the place today.

114400. I saw.....one-eyed man

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