138401. Ashraf’s mother is the daughter of Muneer’s brother.How is Ashraf related to Muneer?
138402. Complete the following series.BJF,DKH,FMJ,HPL,---?
138403. If WORDING is coded as GODRINW,how will TOUGHEN be coded?
138404. Among the following list,choose the one that is different from the other ones.
138405. From the following options,choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word divulge.
138406. In a row of students,Jijin is 14th from the left and Arya is 18th from the right.If they interchange their positions,jijin becomes 6th from the left.Then,what will be the position of Arya from the right?
138407. Plaster of Paris is:
138408. Maximum number of electrons that can be accomodated in’p’orbital
138409. Thermodynamically the most stable allotrope of Carbon
138410. Momentum=Mass x------
138411. Calculate the work done on a body of mass 20kg for lifting it 2 meter above the ground
138412. The communicable disease that has been fully controlled by a national programme is
138413. Which of the following is the sedimentary cycle?
138414. The nitrogen base which is not found in DNA:
138415. Which of the following produce antibodies in blood?
138416. Name of the Nitrogen fixing bacteria found in the roots of leguminous plants:
138417. Which is the theme of 2016 Zero Discrimination Day?
138418. Which country has the highest proportion of 95% Buddhist population?
138419. Nomadic Elephant,2016 is the joint military exercise of India and which country?
138420. ”Operation Sulaimani”has been launched in which district of Kerala to eradicate poverty?
138421. Who is the author of the book”Alphabet Soup for Lovers”?
138422. Dattu Bhokanal is associated with which sports?
138423. Which is the major religion in Japan practiced by more than 50% of the people?
138424. Which acid is present in the Soy beans?
138425. Who chair the joint sitting of the houses of Parliament?
138426. What is the theme of 2016,World Intellectual Property Day(WIPD)?
138427. Who was the auther of the biography of “The Indian Struggle”?
138428. A person who died after a 63 days long hunger strike:
138429. Who among the following was elected as the President of Indian National Congress in 1928?
138430. Vinobha Bhave offered individual satyagraha in
138431. In 1946,an Interim Cabinet in India,headed by the leadership of:
138432. ’The Deccan Riot Commission’appointed in the year:
138433. The Syrian Catholic Church at Kanjur is associated in history with:
138434. Which Chalcolithic site is considered to be a regional centre of the Ahar Culture?
138435. The first indus site,Harappa was exacavated by:
138436. National Institution for Transforming India Aayog(NITI Aayog)formed in:
138437. Which was the first poem written by Pandit K.P.Karuppan?
138438. Who was the third signatory to the Malayali Memorial?
138439. The place of origin of the river Valapattnam is:
138440. Who led Kallumala agitation?
138441. India’s first Soil Museum in Kerala is located at:
138442. Who was related to the Muthukulam speech of 1947?
138443. ’Kannimara teak’is one of the world’s largest teak tree found in:
138444. Chattampi Swamikal gave a detailed explanation of ‘Chinmudra’to:
138445. What was the original name of Thycaud Ayya?
138446. The Indecent Representation of Women(Prohibition Act)was enacted by the Parliament in the year:
138447. Pick out the odd one from the group:
138448. The judges of the subordinate courts are appointed by:
138449. The emergency due to the breakdown of constitutional machinery in a state: