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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 280
14001. Watered stock leads to
14002. The Capital structure which maximizes the value of the firm is called------capital structure
14003. When equity is more than long term debt,the firm is said to be------geared
14004. ഒളപ്പമണ്ണ എന്നത് ആരുടെ തൂലികാ നാമമാണ്? [Olappamanna ennathu aarude thoolikaa naamamaan?]
14005. --------approach is also known as matching approach
14006. The main objective of a firm is
14007. Agreement is
14008. An agreement to buy stolen goods is
14009. Stepping into a line bus creates
14010. Pledge is a part of
14011. General Lien is available for
14012. A Minor cannot be a an
14013. An agreement in restraint of the marriage of a minor is
14014. Indian Partnership Act was enacted in
14015. Principle of indemnity is not applicable to
14016. On payment of Insurance policy,the insurer is put into the shoes of the insureThis principle is called
14017. Bancassurance in the insurance product of
14018. In India,the whole life insurance business is administered by
14019. The law diminishing marginal utility was first stated by
14020. Under perfect competition,short run equilibrium of a firm will be
14021. The shape of demand curve is
14022. The salient features of Indian Economy are
14023. Which industry is the second largest provider of employment in India after agriculture?
14024. Who is the Chairman of’NITI AYOG’?
14025. Malayavilasam which marked the beginning of modern Malayalam poetry was composed by
14026. In India the Environment Protection Act came into operation in
14027. One of the longest roads in Kerala NH 47 is currently renamed as
14028. The Asian Nation that has joined the WTO recently as the 164th member
14029. The First Girl’s School of the BEM in Kerala was opened in 1839 at
14030. The First International Festival on Birds was held in December 2015 at
14031. Who Proclaimed Akkamma Cherian as the Jhansi Rani of Travancore?
14032. The women’s Malayalam magazine Sreemathi was published from Travancore
14033. The Return of Red Roses is the biography of
14034. The Magazine Sadhujana Dootan was published by
14035. The newspaper Prabhatham began to be published in 1944 by
14036. The Commission which recommended for the establishment of inter state Council
14037. The 14th Finance Commission was constituted under the Chairmanship of
14038. The 100th Amendment Act of Indian Constitution relate to
14039. The State which declared as the first E-panchayat State in India
14040. The Suguna Vardhini was an organization established by
14041. -----------translated Taming of the Shrew the drama of Shakespeare in Malayalam
14042. The social welfare scheme Annadayini related to policy of giving nutritious
14043. Which day is observed as Temple entry Day all over kerala as Temple Entry Movement
14044. Zero Based Budgeting is related to whom of the following?
14045. In costing,the sum of direct material direct labour and direct over heads are known as:
14046. Cost of abnormal idle time is:
14047. Which one of the following is an uncontrollable cause of material price variance?
14048. Two or more products,with same importance,produced during a production process is known as:
14049. FIFO method is best suited when:
14050. In costing----analysis is used primarily for control of spare parts.
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