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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2847
142351. A tribunal is constituted Under Section----------of KCS Act.
142352. The Rules and Regulation of a Co-operative Society is formed in its
142353. Admission of members and allocation of shares in a Co-operative Society is the duty of
142354. The total no.of rules in the KCS Act is
142355. The Constitution of a society is its
142356. The Co-operative Societies are classified by----------KCS Act
142357. --------has a right to sign in the identity card of a member of a Co-Operative Society
142358. The winding up of a Co-operative Society means
142359. The matters to be discussed in a meeting is
142360. Interest Rate of Deposits of a Co-operative Credit Societies are fixed by
142361. Co-operative movement originated first in
142362. The Co-operative Societies Act was passed in India in the year
142363. Which of the following organizational structure is followed by Co-operatives in India?
142364. Co-operation is included in the ---------Schedule of Indian Costitution
142365. Fixed Deposits are also called as
142366. The employee Co-operative Societies in Kerala are organized in ----------tier system.
142367. The Head Office of NCDC is at
142368. Internal Auditors of a Co-operative Society is appointed by
142369. The custodian of National Rural Credit Stabilization Fund is
142370. The Present Co-operative minister of Kerala is
142371. The Chief Executive of RBI is called
142372. The Co-operative Examination Board shall consists of not more than-------members
142373. Lead bank scheme was recommended by---------Committee.
142374. ’One man one vote’principle was recommended by-------Committee.
142375. There are-------circle Co-operative unions in Kerala
142376. Co-operative Societies with area of operation more than two states is registered by
142377. Co-operative common wealth was introduced by
142378. ----------of the following is a processing society
142379. An Important document for the membership in a Co-operative Society is:
142380. The custodian of minutes book of a society is:
142381. Production bonus is given by -------societies.
142382. Rebate is related to -----------type of societies.
142383. The First Bank in Kerala was
142384. Neethy stores was started in Kerala in:
142385. The members of a Co-operative Society have------------liability
142386. Apex Society means---------level society
142387. The -------colour in the Co-operative flag denotes harmony
142388. As per the KCS Act 1969 the maximum dividend that can be declared in a Co-operative Society is
142389. The authority competent to write off bad debts in a Co-operative Society is
142390. Promotion of Employees of a Co-operative Society is a duty of
142391. The Head Quarters of RUBCO is at:
142392. Recruitment of staff of the District Co-Operative Banks is entrusted:
142393. Quorum for the Managing Committee in Section -------------of KCS Act.
142394. The President of a Co-operative Society is:
142395. The number of members in a Co-operative tribunal is:
142396. Reservation for women members is specified in Section------------of KCS Act.
142397. Maximum number of partners in a banking business is :
142398. Partners are collectively called us:
142399. Registration of partnership is
142400. Every partner of a firm is both an agent and a:
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