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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2848
142401. Minimum number of persons to firm a partnership is:
142402. Partners salary is---------to partners Capital Account.
142403. Partner’s Current Account is a ----------account.
142404. A written agreement between the partners that governs the partnership is called
142405. Interest on Capital is a -------to the firm.
142406. An amount due to the retiring partners,if not paid immediately,is transferred to his
142407. Editor of Daily Madras standard
142408. Keralopakari was published
142409. The article Smaranamadhuri was written by
142410. The Problem of the Rupee:Origin and Solution is a work of
142411. The Objective Resolution was moved by Nehru on
142412. Who wrote the poem Keralam?
142413. Mariyamma Nadakam
142414. Name the leader of Samyuktha Rashtreeya Sabha Agitation
142415. The first women member in the Kochin Legislative assembly
142416. Which article of Indian constitution provisions the joint session of the Parliament?
142417. Lakkadavala Committee is related to
142418. In which year Tamilnadu introduced the Right to Information Act?
142419. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme introduced in Kerala
142420. The author of the book Speaker Rules
142421. Article 371(i)a special provision is given to the state of
142422. Sandishtavati was published in
142423. Kalyanadayini Sabha
142424. In which year Lokamanyan was published?
142425. Which district of Kerala started the Mobile Court?
142426. International nurses day is observed on
142427. Which among the following is not regarded as a vital sign?
142428. Which among the following is an instrument used for measuring specific gravity of urine?
142429. Name the test for detection of urine sagar
142430. Nasal feeding may be indicated in
142431. Stiffening of the body after death is called
142432. The smallest bone in the body is
142433. Average time duration for placing the clinical thermometer for recording body temperature orally
142434. Which among the following is the last sense to leave the dying body?
142435. Normal ESR value by Westergren’s method in males
142436. Most common complication in the usage of IUCD is
142437. Which among the following does not belong to Ashtanga yoga?
142438. Which among the following is known as the ‘King of Asanas’?
142439. The proportion of dravya and drava in the mantha as per Sarngadhara
142440. Generally the Kriyakarma,’Tala’is done for a time period of
142441. All among the following food substances are advised to be taken as daily routine except
142442. The disease declared as eradicated by WHO is
142443. Which among the following vaccination is given to the new born baby at the time of birth?
142444. Which among the following is the laboratory test done for the detection of AIDS?
142445. Chicken pox is caused by
142446. Which among the following disease is caused by a virus?
142447. Which among the following is the first National Health Programme launched?
142448. Sabin vaccine is given in the immunization of
142449. Which of the following is a fungal disease?
142450. Which among the following is not a ‘barrier method’in family planning?
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