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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 320

16001. __________ strain gauge is the most sensitive sensing element for strain measurement.

16002. A simple closed grinding circuit may consist of

16003. In a titration involving weak acid and strong base, the preferred indicator is

16004. Solidification time of a molten metal in a casting is proportional to (where, V = volume of metal & A = its surface area ; in the casting)

16005. Every society shall transfer at least this much portion of net profit to Reserve fund

16006. Minimum diameter of the tube used for making water manometer should be __________ mm to avoid a correction for the effect of capillarity.

16007. Which of the following heat treatment processes is used for softening the hardened material ?

16008. During brazing, if the fluxes are entrapped, it results in the

16009. Maximum heat dissipation occurs from a steel wire (k = 0.5 W/m. k) of 15 mm diameter exposed to air (h = 20W/m2 .k), when the insulation thickness is __________ mm.

16010. All modes of heat transfer i.e., conduction, convection & radiation occur in case of the

16011. The standard instrument used for calibrating the load applied by universal testing machine is called

16012. The reductant used in the extraction of magnesium from calcined dolomite via Pidgeon's process is

16013. With increase in pressure, the saturation temperature of steam

16014. 'Sterilised zone' around a hazardous chemical industry is an area with __________ km radius around it, in which the total population/inhabitants should be less than 20000 preferably in the upwind direction.

16015. Pick out the wrong statement. Termination of polymerisation reaction occurs, if the

16016. A thin, flat & square plate measuring 2 m x 2 m is freely hanging in ambient air at 25°C. It is exposed to the solar radiation falling on one side of the plate at the rate of 500 W/m2 . The plate temperature will remain constant at 30°C, if the convective heat transfer co-efficient is __________ W/m2 °C.

16017. The maximum value, which the residual stress in a material can reach is the __________ of the material.

16018. Which of the following is capable of acting both as an acid flux as well as a basic flux in the metal extraction from its ore ?

16019. Which is the most suitable joint for the pipes, with are laid submerged under water, where the bottom of the river bed is uneven ?

16020. Floating control action

16021. Boiler rating is normally done in terms of

16022. The pressure drop per unit length for laminar flow of fluid through a long pipe is proportional to (where, A = cross-sectional area of the pipe & D = Diameter of the pipe)

16023. Number of electrons in the outermost orbit of a semi-conductor is

16024. The condition of diffraction from a crystal is given by

16025. Galena is an ore of

16026. A reduction process is accompanied with increase in the

16027. Draught produced by a tall chimney due to density difference between hot flue gas inside the Chimney and atmospheric air outside the chimney is more appropriately known as the __________ draught.

16028. First empirical temperature scale conceived is the __________ temperature scale.

16029. In continuous casting of liquid steel, the mould is made of

16030. Diamond does not conduct electricity, because

16031. __________ can not be forged.

16032. Material having maximum density is

16033. Which of the following is not found in iron-carbon equilibrium diagram ?

16034. Which of the following metals can not be extracted by pyrometallurgical process from its sulphide ore?

16035. Nitrogen compounds are not used in the manufacture of

16036. Stellite is a trade name for the

16037. Needles are produced by

16038. Aromatics are desired constituents of

16039. Galvanic corrosion

16040. Increasing the temperature of a material makes it

16041. Which of the following absorbs maximum heat in a high pressure boiler ?

16042. The laminar boundary layer thickness in zero pressure gradient flow over a flat plate along the x-direction varies as x0.5 while the thickness of turbulent boundary layer varies as (where, x = distance from the leading edge)

16043. __________ cycle is the most efficient thermodynamic cycle.

16044. Dew point of air indicates its

16045. Out of the following, __________ waves have the largest wavelength.

16046. Pick the odd man out of the following.

16047. A furnace is made of a refractory brick wall of thickness 0.5 metre and thermal conductivity 0.7 W/m.°K For the same temperature drop and heat loss, this refractory wall can be replaced by a layer of diatomaceous earth of thermal conductivity 0.14 W/m.K and thickness __________ metre.

16048. Hot working of lead is carried out at

16049. An engineer's hammer is made of high __________ steel.

16050. Impeller & casing of centrifugal pump handling corrosive liquid and frequently running under cavitation condition is most prone to __________ corrosion.

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