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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3229

161451. Which of the following one of the following countries has no mineral deposits -?

161452. Which of the following one of the following countries is known as the "Land of Thunderbolt -?

161453. Which of the following one of the following countries is smaller than India –?

161454. Which of the following one of the following countries is the largest producer of uranium in the world -?

161455. Which of the following one of the following districts of MP has a border with another State -?

161456. Which of the following one of the following does not cause soil erosion -?

161457. Which of the following one of the following is a coastal district in Kerala -?

161458. Which of the following one of the following is a coastal district of Tamil Nadu -?

161459. Which of the following one of the following is a Sedimentary Rock -?

161460. Which of the following one of the following is a warm ocean current -?

161461. Which of the following one of the following is an igneous rock -?

161462. Which of the following one of the following is an unpredictable natural disaster -?

161463. Which of the following one of the following is called a red planet -?

161464. Which of the following one of the following is called as "Roaring Forty" -?

161465. Which of the following one of the following is called North-easter -?

161466. Which of the following one of the following is called 'Ring of Fire' -?

161467. Which of the following one of the following is correctly matched - a. North China: Rice b. South China: Wheat c. Candy Basin: Coffee d. Malaysia: Natural Rubber?

161468. Which of the following one of the following is igneous rock -?

161469. Which of the following one of the following is known as the 'Laughing Jack' of Australia -?

161470. Which of the following one of the following is known as the 'Pearl City' -?

161471. Which of the following one of the following is not a cold ocean current -?

161472. Which of the following one of the following is not a desert district of Rajasthan -?

161473. Which of the following one of the following is not a line of demarcation between two countries -?

161474. Which of the following one of the following is not a part along the western coast of India -?

161475. Which of the following one of the following is not a Union Terriroty -?

161476. Which of the following one of the following is not the result of underground water action -?

161477. Which of the following one of the following is the 2nd highest peak of the world -?

161478. Which of the following one of the following is the example of sedimentary rocks -?

161479. Which of the following one of the following is the highest gravity dam in the world -?

161480. Which of the following one of the following is the largest lake in the world -?

161481. Which of the following one of the following is the largest planet -?

161482. Which of the following one of the following is the longest river in the world -?

161483. Which of the following one of the following is/ are wrongly matched - A. typhoons - China Sea B. hurricanes- India Ocean C. cyclone - West Indies D. tornadoes - Australia?

161484. Which of the following one of the following methods of soil conservation is most effective in arid areas -?

161485. Which of the following one of the following mountain ranges lies in India -?

161486. Which of the following one of the following ocean currents does not occur in Atlantic Ocean -?

161487. Which of the following one of the following organisations is responsible for publishing topographical sheets -?

161488. Which of the following one of the following pairs is not correctly matched -?

161489. Which of the following one of the following pairs is wrongly matched - Place - Location?

161490. Which of the following one of the following parts of the world does not receive rainfall any time of the yr -?

161491. Which of the following one of the following planets has no moon -?

161492. Which of the following one of the following practices is adopted for restoring the fertility of soil -?

161493. Which of the following one of the following river flows through a rift valley -?

161494. Which of the following one of the following rivers crosses the tropic of capricorn twice -?

161495. Which of the following one of the following rivers forms an estuary -?

161496. Which of the following one of the following state has the longest coastline -?

161497. Which of the following one of the following states does not have a railway station -?

161498. Which of the following one of the following States does not use thermal electricity -?

161499. Which of the following one of the following states of India records the highest sexratio -?

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