164601. The Chairman of the Public. Accounts Committee of the Parliament is appointed by:?
164602. The quorum for Joint Sitting of the Indian Parliament is?
164603. Which one of the following is the largest (area wise) Lok Sabha constituency?
164604. Who presides over the Lok Sabha if neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker is available?
164605. In the case of a deadlock between the two Houses of the Parliament, the joint sitting is presided over by the:?
164606. Consider the following statements:1. A Bill pending in the Legislature of 3 State shall not lapse by reason of the prorogation of the House or Houses thereof. 2. A Bill pending in the Legislative Council of a State which has not been' 'passed by the Legislative Assembly shall not lapse on dissolution of the Assembly. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164607. A Bill for alteration of boundaries of States shall not be introduced in the Parliament. without the recommendation of:?
164608. Consider the following statements:1. The Rajya Sabha alone has the power to declare that it would be in national interest for the Parliament to legislate with respect to a matter in the State List. 2. Resolution approving the Proclamation of Emergency are passed only by the Lok Sabha. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164609. How many members of the Lok Sabha must support a motion of 'no confidence' in the government, before it can be admitted by the Speaker?
164610. Who among the following decides whether a particular bill is a Money Bill or not?
164611. Consider the following statements:1. Salary and allowances of the Speaker for Lok Sabha are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India. 2. In the Warrant' of Precedence, the Speaker of Lok Sabha ranks higher than all the Union Cabinet Ministers other than Prime Minister. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164612. Which of the following are Financial Committees of Parliament in India:1. Public Accounts Committee. 2. Estimates Committee. 3. Committee on Public Undertakings.?
164613. Consider the following statements:1. The expenditure to be incurred by the Government and the revenue to be collected by way of taxes must be approved by both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. 2. The charge of impeachment against the President of India can be brought about by only Lok Sabha and not Rajya Sabha. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164614. After a no confidence motion is admitted to the Lok Sabha, who decides a date for the debate?
164615. After the House is dissolved, the Speaker:?
164616. No Money Bill can be introduced in the Parliament without the recommendation of the President of India. 2. The Prime Minister appoints Finance Commission for distribution of taxes between the Union and the States. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164617. Consider the following statements:1. The Chairman of the Committee on Public Accounts is appointed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. 2. The Committee on Public Accounts comprises Members of Lok Sabha, Members of Rajya Sabha and a few eminent persons of industry and trade. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164618. Consider the following statements on Parliamentary Committees:1. Members of the Rajya Sabha are not associated with the Committees on Public Accounts and Public Undertakings. 2. Members of the Committee on Estimates are drawn from both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164619. Which one among the following is a function of the Pro-Tem Speaker of the Lok Sabha?
164620. How many times was the term of the Lok Sabha extended upto 6 years?
164621. In which of the Parliamentary Financial Committees is the Rajya Sabha not represented?
164622. Which one of the following is responsible for the preparation and presentation of Union Budget to the Parliament?
164623. With regard to the powers of the Rajya Sabha, which one among the following statements is not correct?
164624. While a proclamation of Emerqency is in operation, the duration of the Lok Sabha can be extended by not exceeding?
164625. With reference to the conduct of government business in the Parliament of India, the term 'closure' refers to?
164626. The Public Accounts Committee submits its report to?
164627. All revenues received by the Union Government by way of taxes and other receipts for the conduct of Government business are credited to the?
164628. When the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha?
164629. What is the difference between "vote-on-account" and "interim budget":1. The provision ofa "vote-on-account" is used by a regular Government, while an "interim budget" is a provision used by a caretaker Government. 2. A "vote-on-account" only deals with the expenditure in Government's budget, while an "interim budget" includes both expenditure and receipts. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
164630. If the Rajya Sabha rejects a Money Bill, then which of the following is correct?
164631. The President nominates 12 members of the Rajya Sabha according to:?
164632. Under which of the following circumstances an elected member of Parliament may be disqualified on the ground of defection:1. If he voluntarily gives up his membership of a political party. 2. If he votes or abstains from voting contrary to any direction issued by his political party without prior permission of the political party. 3. If he speaks against the political party. 4. If he joins a political party other than the party on whose ticket he contested and got elected.?
164633. The distribution of seats of the Parliament are based on which of the following census?
164634. Which of the following can be abolished, but not dissolved?
164635. The Rajya Sabha has a life of:?
164636. The budget in normal circumstances, is presented to the Parliament on:?
164637. Which one of the following is the largest Committee of the Parliament?
164638. Parliament or a State Legislature can declare a seat vacant if a member absents himself without permission from the sessions for:?
164639. Which of the following is true regarding the 'No Confidence Motion' in the Parliament:1. There is no mention of it in the Constitution. 2. A period of 6, months must lapse between the introduction of one No Confidence 'Motion and another. 3. At least 100 persons must support such motion before it is introduced in the House. 4. It can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only.?
164640. How many times can the President of India return a Non-money Bill, passed by Parliament?
164641. The term of the Lok Sabha:?
164642. If a person elected to both the Union Parliament and a State Legislature does not vacate his seat in the State Legislature within the stipulated period then:?
164643. The first no confidence motion moved in the Lok Sabha after independence was in the year:?
164644. A team of men selected by the party in opposition to take over the different portfolios in case the party is able to wrest power is known as:?
164645. Under which of the following conditions security deposits of a candidate contesting for a Lok Sabha seat is returned to him/her? I. The nomination made by the candidate if found to be invalid. II. The candidate has withdrawn his/her nomination even through it is found valid. III. The candidate lost the polls but secured 1/6th of the total number of valid votes polled in that election. Select the correct answer using the code given below?
164646. Which of the following correctly reflects the position of the Upper House of the State Legislature as compared to the position of the Upper House of the Parliament?
164647. A member of Parliament has immunity from arrest, means:?
164648. Which of the following is true regarding the Vice-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?
164649. Who among the following may belong to the Rajya Sabha but can speak in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha?