165301. Which one of the following was introduced by the Constitution of India?
165302. The upper age limit for remaining a President ill India is?
165303. The Speaker Protem of the Lok Sabha is appointed by the?
165304. Which of the following has the power to inquire into the proceedings of any House or a State Legislature?
165305. A device to obtain the opinion of the people on an important public issue, when that issue has not been passed by the Legislature of the State, is known as?
165306. The salary and perquisites of the President of India are determined by the?
165307. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by?
165308. The absolute minimum number of times that Parliament must meet every year is?
165309. In the Indian political system, supremacy lies with the?
165310. Who among the former RBI Governors was a Presidential candidate in 1969?
165311. The question whether an Indian citizen had acquired the citizenship of a foreign country is determined by?
165312. Which among the following statements is not true? Under the Constitution of India,?
165313. What is common to Britain, Israel and New Zealand?
165314. The First Amendment introduced in 1951 added a new Schedule to the Constitution. It is the __ Schedule.?
165315. The Contingency Fund of India has been placed at the disposal of the?
165316. The Constitution of India provides for?
165317. The members of the Union Public Service Commission are?
165318. Which of the following does not constitute a basic feature of the Indian Constitution?
165319. The Prime Minister of India now receives a monthly salary of?
165320. The most powerful Upper House among the following is the?
165321. The tenure of office of the Indian President?
165322. For a successful and effective functioning of the Parliamentary system, it is necessary to have?
165323. On which among the following subjects is the Union Parliament not competent to make laws for Jammu and Kashmir?
165324. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) does not audit the receipts and expenditure of?
165325. In the matter of representation of States in the Rajya Sabha Uttar Pradesh tops the list. Next comes?
165326. The first Governor ever to be dismissed by the President was?
165327. The Governor of a State receives a Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State for resettlement of citizens in that State affecting the general laws of citizenship of India. Which of the following courses would be the most appropriate for the Governor to take?
165328. The American Constitution came into effect in?
165329. International legal disputes are settled by the?
165330. The Union or India consists of ___ States and Union Territories.?
165331. No taxes can be levied on expenditure incurred without the approval of the?
165332. On which one of the following lists of subjects is the Union Parliament competent to legislate?
165333. The House of the People shall consist of not more than members to represent Union Territories.?
165334. The Principal organ of the United Nations is the?
165335. How many languages have so far been included in the Eighth Schedule of our Constitution?
165336. B R Ambedkar was elected to the constituent Assembly from?
165337. The model for Fundamental Rights in India has been taken from the?
165338. The Governor of a State enjoys?
165339. All lands, minerals and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial waters of India shall vest only in the?
165340. Burma (now Myanmar) was separated from India in?
165341. Is there a provision in the Indian Constitution conferring a right to recall a legislator?
165342. The first Governor General of free India was?
165343. The power to declare an Act passed by a State Legislature as unconstitutional lies with the?
165344. Is there any provision in the Constitution authorising the President to appropriate funds without parliamentary sanction?
165345. The Vice-President is elected by an electoral college consisting of the members of?
165346. The mandatory provision of dissolution of the Lok Sabha (i.e. five years from the date of its first meeting) may be extended by __ during an emergency.?
165347. According to Article 300A, no person shall be deprived of his ___ save by authority of law.?
165348. To which State in India goes the credit of having been ruled by the world's first democratically elected Communist Government?
165349. The Advocate General will hold office during the pleasure of the?