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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 410

20501. While the fuel fired furnace can be used upto a maximum temperature of about 1700°C, the electric furnace can be used upto a temperature of about __________ °C.

20502. Advantages of use of preheated combustion air are

20503. Amount of coal lost in ash particle, which is carried through the boiler system, depends upon the

20504. The ISSN national centre in India is:

20505. The heating capacity of continuous reheating furnace depends upon the

20506. Fuel economy in an industrial furnace operation can not be achieved by the use of

20507. The function of an economiser in a boiler is to preheat the

20508. Which furnace employs an I.D. fan for the removal of flue gases from the furnace ?

20509. Combustion of furnace oil in a furnace (soaking pit) with preheated combustion air at 400°C results in saving of about __________ percent furnace oil as compared to its combustion with atmospheric air, if the flue gas outlet temperature from the soaking pit is 1200°C.

20510. The advantages of firing pulverised coal in the furnace lies in the fact that, it

20511. Artificial draught produced by a fan in the furnace can be controlled by the

20512. Regenerators as compared to recuperators for the same duty

20513. Circulation of gases in furnace is caused by the

20514. Furnace aerodynamics is related to the __________ in the furnace.

20515. If the flame is produced under the hearth and then sweeps up into the heating chamber, this is called a/an __________ furnace.

20516. Which is not accomplished in an underfired furnace ?

20517. In practical operation of any furnace, zero oxygen percentage or theoretical CO2 percentage in flue gas is rarely achieved, because of

20518. Rate of heat release in a furnace, which is the measure of heat intensity is defined as

20519. Oxygen enrichment of combustion air does not result in increase of the

20520. An example of recuperative furnace is the

20521. The latest ISBN number contains:

20522. Which one is not an induced draught furnace?

20523. Overfire burning in a furnace is a phenomenon characterised by

20524. If fuel and air are mixed ahead of the burner, it is called a/an __________ burner.

20525. Neutral atmosphere is maintained in a/an __________ furnace.

20526. The resistance furnace produces heat by the

20527. Which of the following variables does not affect the furnace capacity ?

20528. Unit of furnace loading is

20529. In a furnace operation, which is not preheated ?

20530. Operation of blast furnace stove is based on the principles of a __________ furnace.

20531. Which of the following is not a recuperative furnace ?

20532. Size of the combustion chamber of a furnace depends upon the

20533. Reheating furnace (pusher type) is used for heating

20534. The rate of scaling of furnace stock depends upon the

20535. Main gas valve in a gaseous fuel burner is a __________ valve.

20536. Pot furnace which is either regenerative or recupterative, is used in the manufacture of

20537. Which of the following advantages is not associated with the use of preheated air for combustion of a fuel in the furnace ?

20538. A refractory wall separating the stock and the source of heat is provided in a

20539. Which one shows the diagramatic heat balance in a furnace ?

20540. Decarburisation of steel

20541. Blast furnace stoves are meant for heating

20542. Fuel economy in furnaces can be achieved by

20543. Thermal efficiency of an open hearth furnace may be about __________ percent.

20544. Oxygen percentage in the flue gas coming out of a gaseous fuel fired furnace should be ideally about __________ percent.

20545. Which of the following is a rotary furnace?

20546. Which of the following variables affects the furnace capacity ?

20547. In a furnace, the heat taken by the charge/stock and the heat lost to the furnace structure & flue gases depends on the

20548. In which of the following furnaces, the gases are sucked through the stock bed from below?

20549. Waste heat from the outgoing flue gases in a thermal power plant is recovered by a/an

20550. Recuperator is

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